The Historical Paper Please note that the Historical Paper category is only open to individuals, not groups.
Creating the Historical Paper The Historical Paper should begin with an introduction stating the thesis of the work. Following the introduction should be the main section (several pages) where research supporting the thesis is explained. Remember that your paper is making a historical argument; it is not simply a report on a topic. The paper should end with a conclusion that connects with the thesis and body (but doesn’t merely re-state the introduction).
Historical Paper Requirements Minimum/Maximum length: 1,500--2,500 words. (This is roughly 7-10 pages) Title Page with only the following information: Title Name Historical Paper Junior Division Annotated bibliography attached to the end of paper
Historical Paper Requirements Footnotes or Endnotes are required. Use footnotes/endnotes for quotes AND for paraphrased ideas from a secondary source. Click here for footnote examples: “These notes are explanations provided by writers stating that ideas or quotations presented in the paper are not their own.” --- Citing your research within your paper adds depth to the evidence you provide.
Historical Paper Guidelines Word limit: applies to ALL words within your paper except the following: 1. Footnotes/Endnotes 2. Captions 3. Annotated bibliography 4. Appendix material Creative Writing (fictional diaries, poems, etc…) are permitted, but must conform to all guidelines, including the following one: Your paper must make a historical argument. Please read the “Writing Essays” section of NHD:
Historical Paper Guidelines Citations within your paper are required (footnotes, endnotes, parenthetical citations). Please use the same form throughout your paper. Supplemental materials are allowed in your appendix (a section stapled to the end of your essay). Materials could include maps, graphs, charts, short primary sources. The appendix should enrich your paper and should be very limited. This section is NOT necessary.
Historical Paper Guidelines Typed on 8.5x11 paper (standard) Standard font (Times New Roman or Arial are good choices) Double-spaced Pages must be numbered point font and 1-inch margins (careful: some computers have 1.25 as the default margin) 4 copies of the packet must be submitted
Historical Paper Guidelines The title page should have NO illustrations and should be done in the same font as the essay. Illustrations may be inserted in the paper (using the “text wrap” option) and captions must accompany them. Please have your paper read by adults who can provide you with feedback!