ZONG Wen Department of Computer Science and Engineering The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1, Introduction to Tools 2, A “Hello world” Demo 3, A “Move-Add” Demo
Visual C Express download link: go.microsoft.com/?linkid=
Win32 Console Application
Check Empty project, click Finish
Click Next >
Menu “ Project ” -> ” Custom Build Rules ” Check “Microsoft Macro Assembler”
Menu “ Project ” -> ” Add New Item ”. asm extension
Menu “Project” -> “Properties”
Copy the following code
Menu “Build” -> “Build Solution”, or F7 Menu “Debug” -> “Start Debugging”, or F5
F10 Step Over
Menu Debug -> Windows -> Disassembly Alt + 8
Right click msgbox.asm, click Properties Excluded From Build -> Yes
Copy the following code
Right click Source Files -> Add -> New Item
Press F10 to debug Registers window
Course homepage & source code ( lib ): come.html
1, Introduction to Tools ( VC2008 ) 2, “Hello world” Demo 3, “Move-Add” Demo