APICS Newsletters A “how we do it” as compiled from the Central Ozarks and Southern Minnesota Chapter Newsletters Coordinated by: Julie Stumpe, Central Ozarks Chapter President Dale Fairbanks, Southern MN Newsletter Editor Presented by: Julie Stumpe, CMA, CPIM, MBA
The Central Ozarks Chapter maintains a matrix of events to include in the monthly newsletter. By using the matrix we ensure that standard items are covered and different subjects and areas of interest are included over the course of the year. The newsletter is published September through May. The newsletter is distributed the first week of the month to all Chapter Members and additional contacts. Central Ozarks Chapter
Central Ozarks – Newsletter Matrix Month Message from President Educational Offerings PDMCalendar of EventsMembership Info National and International Conferences September October November December January February March April May111111
Central Ozarks – Newsletter Matrix Month Test Your APICS Knowledge OMBOK Feature TopicCareer Opportunities Ways to Obtain CPE Credits, Certification Maintenance Certification Tracking Tool (6/20/12 ) September11111 October111 November11111 December111 January111 February11111 March111 April111 May11111
Central Ozarks – Newsletter Matrix Month Follow Chapter on LinkedIn Membership Drive Volunteer Events Charitable Donations Accomplishments to Share APIC Dictionary Free to Members September1 1 October 1 1 November 1 1 December 11 January1 February 1 March 1 April1 1 May
Central Ozarks – Newsletter Matrix Month APICS-COZA Scholarship or E&R Foundation CK Nelson Student Paper Competition Board of Directors Interest Year in Review September October1 November1 December January 1 February11 March 1 April 1 May 11
Central Ozarks – Newsletter Matrix Recognition Month Member Recognition - Milestone Anniversaries Welcome New Members Student Chapter Recognition Recognition of Certified Members Member of the Year Company of the Year Instructor Recognition # of Topics September 1 14 October11 14 November 1 15 December 1 12 January 1 12 February 1 15 March April 1 13 May
Central Ozarks Chapter Newsletter May 2013 In this Edition: *APICS Conference Schedule *Annual Chapter Recognition *APICS Educational Offerings *Year in Review *Test Your APICS Knowledge *Professional Development Meeting Information *Position Opening *Certification Maintenance *New Member Recognition *APICS Operations Management Body of Knowledge Feature Topic *Membership Information The Chapter Newsletter front page starts with a table of contents and continues on to include planned APICS activities for the season. The newsletter also includes extensive coverage on APICS training available and information on the upcoming PDM.
APICS Conferences – Plan Ahead Best of the Best S&OP Conference, June 13-14, Chicago, IL 2013 APICS International Conference, Sept 29-Oct 1, Orlando, FL Supply Chain Risk Management, Sept 27,Orlando, FL APICS Strategic Sourcing Seminar, November 6, San Diego, CA For more information, please visit Between the table of contents and subtitles within the newsletter, the reader is able to scroll through and get the highlights of the information they need, with a more detailed write-up immediately available.
Central Ozarks Newsletter - OMBOK
Central Ozarks – Mailing List Web Merchant Services utilized for Chapter “List” created for all Chapter Members New Members added The list is audited at least annually Newsletter also sent to additional contacts (area business leaders, other chapters, etc.)
A brief write-up concerning the PDM is the center of focus on the 1 st page. To the right of this information is the cover and a brief write-up of the current APICS magazine. The bottom of this page contains the speaker, subject, meeting date and time, location, contact information and menu. With this front page, each reader can find out everything they need to know to be able to attend our PDM.
Our back page includes board contacts, our seasonal schedule and directions to the next meeting.
SoMN uses Google Gmail for our database. We set up our address as apicssomn.com. We also use a common password that the board can easily remember.
SoMN has set up multiple distribution lists within Gmail. Gmail allows you to see which additional distribution lists an individual belongs to.