FP6-2005-IST-5 Research Networking Testbeds Maria F. Ramalho 26 May 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

FP IST-5 Research Networking Testbeds Maria F. Ramalho 26 May 2005

Research Networking Testbeds (SO ) : synergies within the whole FP6 Programme GÉANT infrastructure Grid infrastructure FP6 Testbeds (user involvement, technology validation)

Research Infrastructures Test Beds Knowledge technologies and Interfaces Broadband Communication, Computing and Software Photonic Components and Microsystems Technologies for major societal and economic challenges Future & Emerging Technologies Research Networking Testbeds (SO ) : synergies within IST

Year 2005 eInfrastructure – Grid initiatives Continue to build advanced Grid-empowered infrastructures Production quality & ready-to-use SW-infrastructures Address industry requirements Environments dynamically adaptable to user needs eInfrastructure FP6 Calls for proposals Research Networking Test-beds Emphasis on: Optical, Wireless, Security, Grids, other technologies. Real world settings / user involvement Technology & services interoperability / open source Open test-bed infrastructure Roadmaps, strategic guidance for eInfrastructure

Call identifier:[FP IST-5] Call Publication: 18 May 2005 Electronic Submission Deadline: 21 Sept :00(+1GMT) Available Budget from the EC: 18 Million Evaluations: 3 to 7 Sept Hearings: 7 to 11 Nov Instruments open for this Call: oIntegrated Projects (IP) oNetwork of Excellence (NoE) oSpecific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) oSpecific Support Action (SSA) oCoordination Action (CA) eInfrastructure IST Programme SO – Research Networking Testbeds

Integrate, test, validate and demonstrate new fixed and wireless networking technologies - including disruptive technologies - and services in real-world settings and production environments. (IPs, NoEs, STREPs) Provide open test infrastructures for third party researchers. (IPs, NoEs, STREPs) Foster interoperability of solutions to achieve broader-scale up-take of new state-of-the-art infrastructure technology and promote open- source. (IPs, NoEs, STREPs) Develop roadmaps and strategic guidance for infrastructure development in Europe… (SSAs, CAs) eInfrastructure IST Programme SO – Research Networking Testbeds Complement and exploit synergies with relevant National and International Activities !

eInfrastructure IST Programme SO – Research Networking Testbeds From IST Call 3 [FP IST-3]


IST Testbeds: SSA Instrument IPV6TF- SC SEEFIRE 6DISS Testbeds: Support Actions IPv6TF-SC:Siemens SEEFIRE:Telefonica I+D 6DISS:Martel

IST Testbeds: CA Instrument LOBSTER EUROLABS Testbeds: Co-ordinating Actions LOBSTER: Hellas EUROLabs: ULB

For further information Call text: fp6.cordis.lu/fp6/call_details.cfm?CALL_ID=208 National Contact Points: Background info (eInfrastructures): IPR helpdesk: CORDIS partner search facility: International cooperation: Research Infrastructures helpdesk: EPSS helpdesk: