Technologies to Ignite Student Engagement Dr. Rebecca Stobaugh, Rachel Glass, Kateiri Kintz
Technology Creative Collaborative Critical Thinking
Voki in the Classroom Teacher give instructions Students –Summarize their learning –Provide a point-of-view on a issue –Compare items –Explain a concept
Voki Examples Science: State conclusions from an experiment Math: Describe how to complete a real- world math problem Foreign Language: Record student’s voice to assess pronunciation
Zooburst in the Classroom Teacher/student present new information Students create fictional stories about content Students summarize, explain, or react to content
DropBox in the Classroom Assign group projects No flash drive Share files with other students to enable collaboration
KidBlog in the Classroom Create an online community to promote communication Enhance digital citizenship
KidBlog Examples Social Studies: Assume a historical role and converse with classmates English: Work collaboratively online to develop an alternate ending to a story or propose ways to update an older piece of literature Geography: Blog and respond to others’ blogs about the reasons why they would like to live in an identified region
Wordle in the Classroom Lesson activator: Students guess lesson topic Students describe themselves Students identify major/minor points in a reading Students summarize key points of lesson or unit Students analyze their writing for common words/phrases
Poll Everywhere
Poll Everywhere in the Classroom Bellringer Exit Slip Pre-assessment Students write questions and examine the data Assess student opinions in a non- theatening environment Replaces clicker system—cheaper!
Technology used to create a whole child classroom Dr. Rebecca Stobaugh, Rachel Glass, Kateiri Kintz