Installing Star Mobile HotSync your handheld to your own computer to create a backup before you begin.
Before you install You must call SIS to have your IP number allowed through the firewall. Star Mobile will not connect to the server if your IP is blocked by the firewall. This is NOT the same firewall for STAR. John Dendrinos or Micki Daniel ex 1003 To have student pictures accessed through Star Mobile, on most models you will need a Secure Digital Card for your handheld.
Click on CD drive >Desktop Installation>Setup.exe
Click Next
Enter name and school (first, last) Click Next.
Click Install
Click Finish
Install Star Mobile on your Palm Be sure to have Palm Desktop software installed and perform a complete Hotsync operation. Double click on EIS Mobile Client.
Place Palm on Cradle or Cable When message box pops up, place Palm on cradle or cable and press the hotsync button.
After 1st Hotsync ~ Hotsync again! Dialogue box will appear. Enter your username and password in all CAPS.
Remember Hotsync to SIS server can take up to one hour. Do not remove Palm from cradle or cable while hotsync is active. Do not try to cancel hotsync unless you are positive it is not working.