2014 年 10 月 13 日 : Agenda Chinese Time Character Presentation Project Overview: Shopping Market Review “Secret Price” Role Play
生词 讲价 jiǎng jià (verb+obj); to bargain Key Phrases: 售货员和顾客一起讲价。 你喜欢讲价吗?
生词 市场 shì chǎng (noun); market Key Phrases: 衣服市场 二手书市场
Key Word 打折 dǎ zhě (verb+obj); discount Key Phrases: 能不能给我打折? 我给你打 1 折。 如果你买两件衣服,我给你打 9 折。
生词 一共 yí gòng (adv); altogether Key Phrases: 一共多少衣服? 一共多少钱?
生词 找钱 Zhǎo qián (verb+ obj); to give change Key Phrase: 你给我 ______, 我找你 _______ 。
绿 lǜ 绿 lǜ
颜色 蓝 lán 蓝 lán
颜色 黄 huáng 黄 huáng
颜色 黑 hēi 黑 hēi
颜色 红 hóng 红 hóng
颜色 咖啡色 kāfēi sè 咖啡色 kāfēi sè
颜色 白 bái 白 bái
Black pants 这是一条黑裤子。 这条裤子是黑的。
Red clothes 这是一件红衣服。 这件衣服是红的。
Large shirt Now you try it! (This is 1 M adj.N. / This M N is an adj one)
Small shoes (This is 1 M adj.N. / This M N is an adj one)
Brown shoes (This is 1 M adj.N. / This M N is an adj one)
__ 块 __ 毛 __ 分 ( 钱 )
2 shirts $ 买东西
3 pairs of shoes $ 买东西
1 pair of yellow pants $ 买东西
Altogether $ 买东西 一共两百七十九块七毛五
comparison A 跟 B ( 不 ) 一样 adj A 跟 B Noun ( 不 ) 一样
comparison 中文书英文书
我的裤子 Size: L 你的裤子 Size: M comparison
My money: 160 yuan Your money: 160 yuan
comparison 王朋家李友家
comparison Mine $ Yours $ 15.99
comparison Dr. Gao 68Mr. Wang 18
comparison 哥哥 弟弟
comparison $ Size: M $ Size: M MineYours
Try to do as many comparison as possible between you and one of your classmates. (Pair work)
2014 年 10 月 14 日 : Agenda Character Presentation Review “Secret Price” Role Play Bargaining Role-Play Practice Quiz Thursday Skritter
虽然 …… 可是 ……
中文很难。 中文很有意思! 虽然 …… 可是 …… 中文虽然很难,但是很有意思。
她跳舞跳得很好。 她不会唱歌。 虽然 …… 可是 …… 虽然她跳舞跳得很好,但是她不会唱歌。
他唱中国歌唱得很好。 他不会唱美国歌。 Now you try it!
这双鞋很贵。 我很想买这双鞋。 虽然 …… 可是 ……
今天是我的生日。 我不想去饭馆吃饭。 虽然 …… 可是 ……
我很喜欢他。 我不想跟他一起去买东西。 虽然 …… 可是 ……
我的裤子 M 你的裤子 M 虽然 …… 可是 ……
这件衣服的颜色不错。 这件衣服太小了。 虽然 …… 可是 ……
她的衣服很多。 都不合适。 虽然 …… 可是 ……
“Secret Price” Role-Play
2014 年 10 月 16 日 : Agenda Character Presentation The Skritter Challenge Handwriting Quiz? Listening Video? Shopping Market: Project Update Bargaining Role-Plays Exit Slip: Socrative
Why Skritter? Complaint: I don’t like Skritter Skritter in my life is not very useful I prefer to use Quizlet Complaint: I don’t like using Skritter on Friday/Weekends The grade should be for a 5 minute average per day for the week. Skritter should be able to be made up -Do you agree with these complaints? -Why do I want you to use Skritter every day?
CRAMMING DOESN’T WORK Studies show that college learning Chinese only remember 39 % of the characters they've learned!
SPACED REPETITION It’s way easier to remember words if you review them again and again, over a long period of time. With SPACED REPETITION, students remember 90% of all the Chinese words they’ve learned.
Skritter: I’m too busy Time Management: Jar of Time Rocks: things that take up BIG chunks of time Pebbles: things that up MEDIUM chunks of time Sand: things that take LITTLE chunks of time (“small grains of time”) Water: super TINY tasks
The rocks in my life represent anything that has to do with school (especially including Skritter). School is my #1 priority at this time in life for me. The sand is stuff like putting classroom materials on my desk before a class, or brushing my teeth. My pebbles are to do well in sports. The water is all the moments I spend in my life. Rocks: overcoming procrastination Pebbles: Maintaining good relationships with my family and friends. Sand: Sleep and free-time Rocks: Homework and other academic activities TLDR: You are not busy to use Skritter every day
Skritter: “a small grain of time” Where are the “small grains of time” in your daily life? Which small grain can you put Skritter into? >grain 1: 5 minutes before bed >grain 2: 5 minutes right after dinner >grain 3: 5 minutes when I go into the bathroom >grain 4: 5 minutes at the start of my free period
Skritter: I forgot What are some solutions for forgetting? Video: The Power of Habit WHAT IS A HABIT? Cue Routine/Behavior Reward Let’s create a study habit for Skritter…
Skritter: Cue Some ideas: I have an alarm after dinner to do skritter I posted a note next to my bed so that I can remember before I go to sleep. I will write in my planner I will put an alarm on my iPad Ultimate cue: ON YOUR HAND A good cue is… > Always at the same time and place > Super obvious What’s your cue?
Skritter: Routine
Skritter: Reward
The Skritter Challenge 1.Create a study habit for Skritter 2.Use Skritter as many days in a row as you can 5 days in a row: candy 10 days in a row: more candy 20 days in a row: trinket 30 days in a row: secret prize 3. Competition: the person in the class who uses Skritter the most per week wins a secret prize.
Listening Video Watch the video and describe what Li You bought (color, size and price) in Chinese. 颜色: 大小: 价钱:
Bargaining Role-Plays PICKY CUSTOMER: 1) Greet the salesperson and talk about what kind of clothing you want 2) Express dissatisfaction with an item’s characteristics and ask to switch 3) Negotiate for a lower price 4) Close the deal and express thanks PATIENT SALESPERSON: 1) Greet the customer and ask what kind of clothing they want to buy 2) Politely fulfill the customer’s requests to switch to a different item 3) Negotiate for the highest price 4) Close the deal and express thanks