A Guide to be Prepared
Back to School Night is a great opportunity to introduce yourselves to your student’s parents. You can review policies, procedure, expectations and curriculum. Take advantage of this integral night and include the following things in your packet.
Your packet may include: Introduction Letter Contact Information Grading Policy Homework Policy Behavior Policy Attendance Policy Description of your curriculum and educational goals Important Dates Edmodo Information
Dear Parents, Summer vacation is over and now it is time for your child and I to get back to work. If you and I work as a team, I am sure that we can make this a pleasant and productive 6 th grade year for your child. We must make your child realize that each grade is more demanding than the previous. Furthermore, it is my job to do the best that I can to prepare him/her for the proceeding school years. I expect assignments to be handed in on time. The working world expects timeliness and so do we. Therefore dealing with strict rules now will prepare them for the future. Please make sure to check your child’s assignment pad nightly (they will have homework every night) and sign their homework assignments. Periodically I will make you aware of upcoming assignments, tests, etc., in order for you to monitor things on your end. The sixth grade teachers have put together a packet with information for you to review. Please sign your name below and return the form back to school by Monday. If you need to contact me, feel free to me I attempt to check my s daily but please know it may take me hours to get back to you due to the number of students in the sixth grade. You may call the school and leave a I am looking forward to a wonderful year with your child and the rest of the class. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Back To School Night Welcome Classroom Handbook Class Rules (Teacher, Student and Parent Handbook) Motivating your child to read (Reading Procedures) Grading Policy Attendance Policy Dress Code Appointments Notebooks Trips The importance of parents in their child’s learning Sign in sheet THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING!
Homework/Class work We believe that homework is necessary for practicing skills that have been learned or for enriching the classroom experience. In many cases, homework is simply class work that was not finished. We try to give ample time in class for the completion of most assignments, but some students work more slowly than others and must finish at home. In order to help students get their homework assignments done, students will take home a homework pad each night. They will write their assignments on this pad, make sure that it is completed at home, study it, and have parents sign it. We ask that parents check their child’s homework pad each night. We also ask that parents sign their child's homework every night. Late homework will not be accepted. If your child misses three homework assignments for any class they will be given Friday detention for an hour. Organization is the key to success! Students will be given a homework grade based on whether or not homework is completed. Students who complete all homework will receive a “100” to average in with their other grades for that subject. Those who do not complete all assignments will be grade accordingly. Homework grades will count towards 10% of their final grades.
Absences Newark Public Schools has a 100% attendance rate policy. All absences require a note. Only Ms. Gois, principal, can excuse an absence. All missed work for all classes must be completed. Absences may result in required summer school attendance and/or grade retention.
Buddy Program (Homework and Missed ClassWork) As you know our school has a Homework Buddy Program. This program involves taking homework for their assigned buddies to complete at home if he or she has been away from class or absent. Buddies will collect any materials or information distributed by the teachers and keep track of all missed assignments and homework. Buddies have been assigned based on who lives closer and student preference. If parents or siblings choose to pick up a student's work when they are absent they may do so after 2:45.
Uniform Policy Wearing school uniforms contributes to create an environment in which student achievement is the highest priority. For the Gentlemen this includes: uniform pants School shirt (tucked in) Belt black or brown shoes For the Ladies this includes: uniform pants or skirt school shirt black or brown shoes ***Failure to comply with the uniform policy may result in detention.