National Geospatial Advisory Committee NGAC Geospatial Privacy Subcommittee Report NGAC Meeting December 3, 2014
National Geospatial Advisory Committee Geospatial Privacy Subcommittee Membership: Doug Richardson (Chair) Kevin Pomfret (Co-Chair) Keith Clarke Joanne Gabrynowicz Matt Gentile Bert Granberg Michael Jones Jeff Lovin Gary Thompson Molly Vogt
National Geospatial Advisory Committee 2014 Subcommittee Activities Subcommittee Meetings: April 29, May 12, June 5, Sept 11 Compiled background materials and resources Completed assessment of White House “Big Data and Privacy” Report Presented assessment to OMB and NGAC (Sept 2014) Met with OMB privacy staff – Sept 2014 FGDC Scott Bernard (FGDC Vice Chair) identified OMB subject matter expert for geospatial privacy: Kevin Herms, OMB Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) FGDC dialogue with OMB and CIO Council Privacy Subcommittee 10/19/2015
National Geospatial Advisory Committee Big Data & Privacy Reports Administration Big Data & Privacy reports issued May 2014 Subcommittee reviewed and provided initial summary and assessment Reports were discussed at June NGAC meeting Subcommittee compiled paper summarizing NGAC feedback on the reports Subcommittee discussed NGAC feedback with OMB staff 10/19/2015
National Geospatial Advisory Committee OMB/CIO Council OMB/FGDC staff arranged for NGAC briefing to CIO Council Privacy Subcommittee on geospatial privacy issues – early 2015 NGAC subcommittee working with FGDC staff to prepare background materials for the CIOC briefing: Briefing paper Visual presentation 10/19/2015
National Geospatial Advisory Committee Draft Privacy Briefing Paper Drafted for presentation to CIO Council Privacy Subcommittee (and other audiences) Overview of paper – Kevin Pomfret 10/19/2015
National Geospatial Advisory Committee Discussion Topics 1. Feedback on draft briefing paper 2. Development of presentation to accompany paper: What are key messages? What visuals or graphics can help convey the key messages 10/19/2015
National Geospatial Advisory Committee Next Steps Action: NGAC members provide 1) comments draft privacy briefing paper, and 2) suggestions on key messages and graphics to Doug Richardson, Kevin Pomfret, and John Mahoney by December /19/2015