Measuring Post-Secondary Access and Outcomes of Recent High School Graduates with Disabilities Prepared by: Paul E. Harrington Center for Labor Markets and Policy Drexel University Philadelphia PA
Origins of This Research Institute for Human Centered Design concerns that there was little understanding of the nature of post- secondary outcomes of high school graduates with disabilities i.Little longitudinal research on outcomes for high school graduates National Longitudinal Survey High School and Beyond Study provide only limited insights into students with disabilities ii.National Longitudinal Transition Study of the National Center for Special Education Research Only tracks outcomes for students with disability
Data Sources 1.High School Information: Total of 23 cooperating school districts provided information on graduation seniors Demographic characteristics Low income measure School behavior measure Disability Status and Characteristics
Data Sources (cont.) 2.National Student Clearinghouse: Centralized data on post-secondary enrollment organized for student loan verification Based on semester/term reports submitted by nation’s colleges and universities Covers about 92% of undergraduate enrollment in the nation Provides measures of Initial enrollment Retention Transfer Graduation
Findings from the Logistic Regression Analysis of the Probability of College Attendance Among High School Graduates from Seven Vocational Technical High Schools, Classes of 2004, 2005, & 2006 Percent Effect on the Probability of Enrolling in College VariablesModel IModel IIModel III Male-8.4*** -8.5*** FemaleReference group Non-Hispanic, Black29.0***28.8***28.1*** Hispanic10.4***10.3***10.8*** Non-Hispanic, other race Non-Hispanic, WhiteReference group Eligible for free school lunch-10.0*** -7.9*** Eligible for subsidized school lunch-11.9***-11.8***-9.7*** Not eligible for school lunch subsidyReference group Non-native English speaker-7.8**-7.6**-7.8** Native English speakerReference group Senior year attendance rate (percentage points)1.1*** Truant Suspended Agriculture & related sciences Communications technologies/technicians Computer and information sciences Personal & culinary services-12.3***-12.1***-12.5*** Engineering technologies/technicians7.0*7.2*6.6* Family & consumer sciences/human sciences Construction trades-32.0***-31.8***-31.9*** Mechanic & repair technologies/technicians-32.7***-32.4***-32.8*** Precision production-25.5***-25.3***-25.5*** Visual & performing arts Health professions & related clinical sciences
Findings from the Logistic Regression Analysis of the Probability of College Attendance Among High School Graduates from Seven Vocational Technical High Schools, Classes of 2004, 2005, & 2006 (Cont.) Percent Effect on the Probability of Enrolling in College Business, management, marketingReference group With disability-10.2***--11.7*** With disability-Full inclusion--7.0***- With disability-Partial inclusion--15.4***- No disability-educationally disadvantaged---8.5*** No disabilityRef. Group - No disability-not economically disadvantaged--Ref. Group Constant16.7***16.5***17.8***
Findings from the Logistic Regression Analysis of the Probability of One-Year College Retention Rate Among College Enrolled High School Graduates from Seven Vocational Technical High Schools, Classes of 2004, 2005, & 2006 Percent Effect on the Probability of One-Year College Retention VariablesModel IModel IIModel III Male-2.7 FemaleReference group Non-Hispanic, Black11.7**11.4*11.8** Hispanic-6.0 Non-Hispanic, other race-12.2**-12.6**-12.3** Non-Hispanic, WhiteReference group Eligible for free school lunch-9.6***-9.7*** Eligible for subsidized school lunch-10.8**-10.9** Not eligible for school lunch subsidyReference group Non-native English speaker10.3** Native English speakerReference group Senior year attendance rate (percentage points)1.3***1.4*** Truant Suspended-9.6***-9.5*** Two-year public college-22.8***-22.5***-22.8*** Two-year private college Four-year public college Four-year private collegeReference group With disability With disability-Full inclusion-7.9**- With disability-Partial inclusion No disability-educationally disadvantaged--0.5 No disabilityRef. Group - No disability-not economically disadvantaged--Ref. Group Constant26.5***26.4***26.5***