5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg1
A new building will be constructed near CDF. The Office Technical & Education (OTE) building is part of the larger Illinois Accelerator Research Center ◦ OTE is Fully funded at $ 20 M by a grant from the Illinois Dept of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) ◦ Yes, we have the cash ! DOE’s contribution is the site preparation, the refurbished CDF assembly building, and funds to outfit the completed IARC complex The contract is awarded and ground breaking for DOE funded site preparation has started. (IASU GPP Project) Hence this talk. 5/16/11 2IARC RDK All experimenters mtg
OTE building conceptual design is complete The engineering design is advanced Schedule: ◦ Site preparation = Now through this summer ◦ Building out for bids in July, Construction start in Nov 2011 ◦ Beneficial occupancy in summer 2013 ◦ Refurbished CDF heavy assembly building in ~ 2014 IARC funded by DCEO as a means for the lab to encourage new high tech industries in Illinois IARC “Program” is under development 5/16/11 3IARC RDK All experimenters mtg
Work with Industry, University, and Laboratory partners to promote the development of accelerator technology, projects, and applications Promote the growth of high tech industry based on accelerator technology leading to new products and capabilities Work with University partners to create an educational center for accelerator science and technology 5/16/11 4IARC RDK All experimenters mtg
Opportunity to put substance behind the claim that HEP is the developer/steward of accelerator technology within the Office of Science Opportunity to function as a center for accelerator based projects ( e.g. Project X, or other non-HEP Projects in the Office of Science, e.g. NGLS ) Opportunity for Fermilab to become a National center for accelerator education Opportunity to establish additional funding sources outside OHEP or with industry develop IP Opportunity to develop technologies that benefit society bringing recognition to HEP and FNAL 5/16/11 5IARC RDK All experimenters mtg
Fermilab has: ◦ core capabilities and world class scientific and engineering staff that have the potential to make an impact beyond the field of high-energy physics. ◦ infrastructure capabilities that are unique, and that could potentially be used in applications beyond the field of high-energy physics. IARC RDK All experimenters mtg6 5/16/11
New ideas in accelerator technology seem to die for three reasons ◦ Inadequate resources (financial or personnel) in industry, universities, or labs to demonstrate feasibility of an idea ◦ During the transition from small scale technology demonstration to a commercial product ◦ Lack of acceptance of the new technology by potential customers (ignorance or prejudice) that is cured only by large scale demonstrations IARC can help fill these gaps 5/16/11 7IARC RDK All experimenters mtg
The number of accelerators in use in the U.S. economy is growing dramatically but the U.S. is not providing formal training for many students in accelerator science and technology IARC can be a center for a university-lab-DOE partnership to train Scientists, engineer, and technicians in Accelerator Science and Technology 5/16/11 8IARC RDK All experimenters mtg
DOE HEP (dedicated B&R for Accel stewardship ?) DOE Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) University of Chicago (FRA) DOE Office of Science (non-HEP) Illinois Dept of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO ) and ISTC LDRD at ANL or FNAL? DOE Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or IEPA) Industry & venture capital Dept of commerce? 5/16/11 9IARC RDK All experimenters mtg Traditional Non-Traditional
Businesses are motivated by the potential for profit… so the business model must make financial sense Industry wants: ◦ Technical support ◦ Infrastructure and space ◦ Financial support ◦ Creation/protection of intellectual property and new commercial products and a transparent process The don’t want: unpredictable processes and excessive red tape Challenge will be to establish a “program” that works on a DOE lab site 5/16/11 10IARC RDK All experimenters mtg
5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg11
23,000 SF of New Office Space ◦ 145 new offices (+ 40 in the refurbished CDF) 3,900 SF New Lecture Hall 900 SF Executive Meeting Room 3,700 SF Light Tech Space New Coffee/Lunch Area New 55-car parking lot Interior connection to CDF bldg 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg12
5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg13 Sloped/Tiered Seating Fixed desks with power and wireless Infrastructure for state of art AV – 3 screens, 5 projector locations Lecture Hall 175 person capacity
5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg14 2-Story Lunch Room Seating for 90 on 2 levels Outdoor Dining area Cold food service
New 195-car parking lot between IB1 and CHL Utilities replacement along D Road ◦ Phase 1 north of D Road ◦ Phase 2 south of D Road D Road realignment north of CDF 3 new crosswalks along D Road between Industrial complex and CDF New sidewalks between Industrial Complex & IARC. 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg15
5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg16
No admittance to construction areas w/o PPE & OK from Fermi Construction Coordinator. Access to Industrial complex & CDF will be maintained at all times ◦ However some alternate routes will be required. ◦ Access to CDF west side entrance will be by special arrangements only. ◦ Utility shut downs are designed to be minimal. Portions of D Road closed to thru-traffic <30 days Bike/Pedestrian detours will be required. 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg17
IARC is new territory for Fermilab A challenge to craft a successful program Even without a “formal” IARC program announcement there seems to be lots of interest in Industry A great opportunity State will pay for the first new large building constructed at Fermilab in ~ 20 yrs Stay tuned 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg18
Ideally, these non-HEP activities would have the following characteristics Strong overlap with the laboratory’s core capabilities or core technologies, thus maintaining competency and strengthening skills important to the science & technology base of the lab Establishes a connection between HEP research and societal benefits that FNAL, Office of Science and DOE can point to Enhances the stature of the laboratory and its staff Meets a National need, again allowing the connection to be made between HEP technology and national priorities Increases interaction between the laboratory and industry to develop and transfer technology with the potential for commercialization Leverages resources to produce high-tech jobs and industry in the area (Goal of DCEO in funding IARC) 19 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg
Industry: 40 Offices IARC education: 5 Offices IARC Staff: 5 Offices Project X Office: 45 Offices AD: 20 Offices TD: 12 Offices APC (entire center) 60 Offices Total ~187 5/16/11 IARC RDK All experimenters mtg20