Socio-biographic Data by Field of Study and Gender Group A 1. Victoria H. Zosa 2. Lien Herlina 3. Wayan Artama 4. Budi Suprapto 5. Bambang Suhariyanto 6. Wisnu Wardana
General Introduction -The field of study is defined as agricultural and others. Others include social sciences, health, technical and basic sciences. -Our pre-test results indicate that 76% of the 85 respondents graduated from agriculture, while 24% graduated from other courses. -Our data show that 76% of females are agro graduates, while 77% of males are agro- graduates.
Year of Graduation - The mean year graduated for all respondents is For agro, the mean year graduated is For non-agro, the mean year graduated is For females, the mean year graduated is 1996, while for males, the mean year graduated is Year of Graduation - The mean year graduated for all respondents is For agro, the mean year graduated is For non-agro, the mean year graduated is For females, the mean year graduated is 1996, while for males, the mean year graduated is 1995.
Average Length of Study - The average length of study for UGM graduates is 63.9 months. - For agriculture, the average length of study is higher at 66.4 months, and for others, the average length of study is lower at 55.8 months. -For females, the average length of study is 62.1 months, while for males, the average length of study is 65.6 months. Average Length of Study - The average length of study for UGM graduates is 63.9 months. - For agriculture, the average length of study is higher at 66.4 months, and for others, the average length of study is lower at 55.8 months. -For females, the average length of study is 62.1 months, while for males, the average length of study is 65.6 months.
Further Study - About 48% of the respondents (41 out of 85) pursued graduate studies. -Out of this 41, 37 are agriculture graduates while 4 are graduates from other courses. Of those who pursued graduate studies, 17% of them studied abroad, while 93% studied in Indonesia. - For females who pursued graduate studies, 12% studied abroad while 94% studied in Indonesia. For males who pursued graduate studies, 21% studied abroad while 92% studied in Indonesia. Further Study - About 48% of the respondents (41 out of 85) pursued graduate studies. -Out of this 41, 37 are agriculture graduates while 4 are graduates from other courses. Of those who pursued graduate studies, 17% of them studied abroad, while 93% studied in Indonesia. - For females who pursued graduate studies, 12% studied abroad while 94% studied in Indonesia. For males who pursued graduate studies, 21% studied abroad while 92% studied in Indonesia.
Gender - 48% of the respondents are females, and 52% are males. - Among the agriculture graduates, 48% are females and 52% are males. - Among graduates of other courses, the gender mix is 50% - 50%. Gender - 48% of the respondents are females, and 52% are males. - Among the agriculture graduates, 48% are females and 52% are males. - Among graduates of other courses, the gender mix is 50% - 50%.
Year of Birth - With regards to the year of birth, the mean year is It seems that agriculture graduates are older than graduates of other courses. The mean year of birth of agriculture graduates is 1970, while that of other courses is The mean year of birth of females is 1972; for males, the mean year of birth is Year of Birth - With regards to the year of birth, the mean year is It seems that agriculture graduates are older than graduates of other courses. The mean year of birth of agriculture graduates is 1970, while that of other courses is The mean year of birth of females is 1972; for males, the mean year of birth is 1971.
- Marital Status - 56% of the respondents are single, while 44% of them are married. - Among the agriculture graduates, 48% are single while 52% are married. For graduates of other courses, 85% are single and 15% are married. - 68% of females are single, while only 45% of males are single.
- Number of Children - 59% of the respondents do not have children. For the 41% of the respondents who have children, the average number of children is 1.6. For agriculture graduates, 51% of the respondents do not have children. - For graduates of other courses, 85% of the respondents do not have children. The average number of children for agriculture graduates is 2, while for graduates of other course, the average number of children is For females, 34% of them have children, with an average number of children at 1.6. For males, 48% of them have children, with an average number of children at 1.7.
- Place of Birth - 56% of the respondents were born outside of Yogyakarta. - For agriculture graduates 55% of them were born outside of Yogyakarta, while 67% of graduates of other courses were born outside of Yogyakarta. - For females, 61% of them are born outside of Yogyakarta. For males, 53% of the respondents are born outside of Yogyakarta.
- City of Secondary High School - 58% of the respondents finished their secondary high school (SLTA) in Yogyakarta. - For agriculture graduates, 57% of them finished their secondary high school in Yogyakarta, while 67% of graduates of other courses finished their secondary high school in Yogyakarta. - For females, 50% of the respondents completed SLTA in Yogyakarta, and 50% of them outside of Yogyakarta. For males, 65% of the respondents completed SLTA in Yogyakarta.
City of First Work - 69% of the respondents had their first work in Yogyakarta. - For agriculture graduates, 66% of them worked first in Yogyakarta, while 86% of graduates from other courses worked first in Yogyakarta. - For females, 75% of them had their first work in Yogyakarta. For males, 65% of them had their first job in Yogyakarta. City of First Work - 69% of the respondents had their first work in Yogyakarta. - For agriculture graduates, 66% of them worked first in Yogyakarta, while 86% of graduates from other courses worked first in Yogyakarta. - For females, 75% of them had their first work in Yogyakarta. For males, 65% of them had their first job in Yogyakarta.
City of First Work - 92% of the respondents are presently working in Yogyakarta. - For agro graduates, 95% are presently working in Yogyakarta, while 71% of non- agro graduates are presently working in Yogyakarta. - For females, 95% of them are working in Yogyakarta. For males, 90% are working in Yogyakarta. City of First Work - 92% of the respondents are presently working in Yogyakarta. - For agro graduates, 95% are presently working in Yogyakarta, while 71% of non- agro graduates are presently working in Yogyakarta. - For females, 95% of them are working in Yogyakarta. For males, 90% are working in Yogyakarta.
City of Residing - 90% of the respondents are currently residing in Yogyakarta. - For agro graduates, 92% of them are currently residing in Yogyakarta, while 78% of non-agro graduates are currently residing in Yogyakarta. - For females, 96% are currently residing in Yogyakarta, while 85% of the males are currently residing in Yogyakarta. City of Residing - 90% of the respondents are currently residing in Yogyakarta. - For agro graduates, 92% of them are currently residing in Yogyakarta, while 78% of non-agro graduates are currently residing in Yogyakarta. - For females, 96% are currently residing in Yogyakarta, while 85% of the males are currently residing in Yogyakarta.
Highest Education of Father - 32% of the respondents’ fathers completed secondary high school (SLTA); 31% of the respondents’ fathers completed diploma or undergraduate. - For agriculture graduates, 34% of the respondents’ fathers completed SLTA, while 45% of the respondents’ fathers from non-agro courses completed diploma or undergraduate. - For female respondents, 37% of their fathers completed SLTA. For male respondents, 32% of their fathers completed diploma or undergraduate. Highest Education of Father - 32% of the respondents’ fathers completed secondary high school (SLTA); 31% of the respondents’ fathers completed diploma or undergraduate. - For agriculture graduates, 34% of the respondents’ fathers completed SLTA, while 45% of the respondents’ fathers from non-agro courses completed diploma or undergraduate. - For female respondents, 37% of their fathers completed SLTA. For male respondents, 32% of their fathers completed diploma or undergraduate.
Highest Education of Mother - 38% of the respondents’ mothers completed SLTA. - For agriculture graduates, 37% of the respondents’ mothers completed SLTA, while 40% of the respondents’ from other courses completed SLTA. - For female respondents, 37% of their mothers completed SLTA. For male respondents, 39% of their mothers completed SLTA. Highest Education of Mother - 38% of the respondents’ mothers completed SLTA. - For agriculture graduates, 37% of the respondents’ mothers completed SLTA, while 40% of the respondents’ from other courses completed SLTA. - For female respondents, 37% of their mothers completed SLTA. For male respondents, 39% of their mothers completed SLTA.
Highest Education of Husband / Wife - 63% of the respondents’ husband/wife completed diploma or undergraduate. - For agro graduates, 63% of the respondents’ husband/wife completed diploma or undergraduate, while for non-agro graduates, 67% of the respondents’ husband/wife completed diploma or undergraduate. - For females, 62% of their husbands are graduates (master’s and PhD). For males, 77% of their wives are diploma and undergraduates. Highest Education of Husband / Wife - 63% of the respondents’ husband/wife completed diploma or undergraduate. - For agro graduates, 63% of the respondents’ husband/wife completed diploma or undergraduate, while for non-agro graduates, 67% of the respondents’ husband/wife completed diploma or undergraduate. - For females, 62% of their husbands are graduates (master’s and PhD). For males, 77% of their wives are diploma and undergraduates.
Main Job of Father - 48% of the respondents’ fathers work in government service (PNS). - For agro graduates, 49% of the respondents’ fathers work in PNS, while 42% of the respondents’ fathers work in PNS. - For females, 44% of their fathers work as PNS. For males, 51% of their fathers work as PNS. Main Job of Father - 48% of the respondents’ fathers work in government service (PNS). - For agro graduates, 49% of the respondents’ fathers work in PNS, while 42% of the respondents’ fathers work in PNS. - For females, 44% of their fathers work as PNS. For males, 51% of their fathers work as PNS.
Main Job of Mother - 31% of the respondents’ mothers work as entrepreneurs. - For agro graduates, 28% of the respondents’ mothers are housewives, while 53% of the non- agro respondents’ mothers are entrepreneurs. - For females, 36% of their mothers are entrepreneurs. For males, 26% of their mothers are entrepreneurs; another 26% work as housewives. Main Job of Mother - 31% of the respondents’ mothers work as entrepreneurs. - For agro graduates, 28% of the respondents’ mothers are housewives, while 53% of the non- agro respondents’ mothers are entrepreneurs. - For females, 36% of their mothers are entrepreneurs. For males, 26% of their mothers are entrepreneurs; another 26% work as housewives.
Main Job of Husband / Wife - 21% of the respondents’ husband/wife work as PNS. - For agro graduates, 20% of the respondents’ spouse work as PNS; and for non-agro respondents’ spouse, 22% work as PNS. - For females, 31% of their husbands work as PNS. For males, 15% of their wives work as PNS; another 15% work as factory workers or laborers. Main Job of Husband / Wife - 21% of the respondents’ husband/wife work as PNS. - For agro graduates, 20% of the respondents’ spouse work as PNS; and for non-agro respondents’ spouse, 22% work as PNS. - For females, 31% of their husbands work as PNS. For males, 15% of their wives work as PNS; another 15% work as factory workers or laborers.
Training Before First Job - Only 17% of the respondents had training before first work. - For agro graduates, 20% of the respondents had training before their first job. While for non-agro graduates, no respondents had training before their first job. - For females, only 13% had training before their first job. For males, 20% had training before first work. Training Before First Job - Only 17% of the respondents had training before first work. - For agro graduates, 20% of the respondents had training before their first job. While for non-agro graduates, no respondents had training before their first job. - For females, only 13% had training before their first job. For males, 20% had training before first work.
Work Before First Job - 21% of the respondents engaged in some work before their first job. The average (median) length of work before their first job is 18 months. - For agro graduates, 21% engaged in some work before their first job, with an average (median) length of work before their first job at 48 months. While for non-agro graduates, 25% of the respondents had some work before their first job. - For females, 13% had some work before their first job, with an average (median) length of work at 4 months. For males, 28% had some work before their first job, with an average length of work at 24 months. Work Before First Job - 21% of the respondents engaged in some work before their first job. The average (median) length of work before their first job is 18 months. - For agro graduates, 21% engaged in some work before their first job, with an average (median) length of work before their first job at 48 months. While for non-agro graduates, 25% of the respondents had some work before their first job. - For females, 13% had some work before their first job, with an average (median) length of work at 4 months. For males, 28% had some work before their first job, with an average length of work at 24 months.