RTI, Nagpur1 Day 3- Session III Fraud investigation and forensic audit
RTI, Nagpur2 Session Overview Concept of forensic investigation and its relevance Types of frauds
RTI, Nagpur3 Definition of investigation Investigation involves inquiry into facts behind the books and accounts into technical, financial and economic position of the organization (Taylor & Perry) Term ‘ forensic’ deals with the relation and application of financial facts to legal problems Forensic investigator conducts an investigation To establish facts in relation to acts or actions/situations that may constitute a legal significance
RTI, Nagpur4 Learning objective Participants will understand the role of a fraud investigator as opposed to normal audit and learn to recognise different types of frauds in terms of their chief characteristics.
RTI, Nagpur5 Characteristics of forensic audit Scope and objectives are normally narrow and selective. Substantive or conclusive evidence, while this is persuasive for normal audit No fact is accepted unless it is substantiated Not bound by accounting conventions or other policies No specific investigation procedure All figures questioned unless proved.
RTI, Nagpur6 Procedures of investigation- Few examples Ascertain level of authority and nature of duties of employees Cast and vouching of cash book Checking cash book against bank statements, Examine original pay-in-slips at the bank with counterfoils Irregular cash payments Examine cancelled cheques Verification of cash sales Confirm bad debts written off Vouch purchase invoices
RTI, Nagpur7 Types of frauds Trojan Horse frauds Disaster frauds Achilles heel frauds Corporate espionage Technical fraud