Buoyancy Catalyst What makes an object sink or float? Give examples of 1 object that would float in water and 1 object that would sink in water. Period 5: Hand in your lab write-up and goal reflection at this time in the wire basket in the front of the room. 20L continued 10/19/11
Lesson 5.1 Density and Buoyancy Catalyst Period 3: Please hand in your lab write-up in the front of the room in the wire basket. Statistics about college graduates: --29% of Americans graduate from college (bachelor’s) --Bachelor degree holders earn on average double the annual salary of someone with high school diploma --High school grads earn lifetime average of $1.2 million --Associate degree holders earn lifetime average of $1.6 million --Bachelor’s degree holders earn lifetime average of $2.1 million 21L 10/20/11
Lesson 5.1 Density and Buoyancy Catalyst Statistics about college graduates 1. What do these graphs mean? 2. What do these statistics mean? 3. Why is it important to go to college? 21L 10/20/11
Lesson 5.1 Density and Buoyancy Homework Density and Buoyancy quiz on Monday/Tuesday! 21L 10/20/11
Lesson 5.1 Density and Buoyancy Learning Targets (LT) 1. I can explain how the density of an object determines whether it sinks or floats. 2. I can describe the effect of the buoyant force. 21R 10/20/11
Lesson 5.1 Density and Buoyancy Density Demo Video 1. Do you think there will be a difference in the density of regular Pepsi and diet Pepsi? Why or why not? pJyw 2. What actually happened? Was your prediction accurate? 21L 10/20/11