Summary of the Report to THECB April 2010
Vision To become a premier public research university providing access to educational excellence Interdisciplinary focus on: Health Security Energy and Environment Sustainability Human and Social Development
2009 Expenditures by Funding Source Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Research Expenditures Report 2009
2009 Expenditures by Federal Agency Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Research Expenditures Report 2009
2009 Research Expenditures by Field of Study Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Research Expenditures Report 2009
Plan to Increase Research Funding selective hiring in these targeted areas multidisciplinary institutes external partnerships & collaborations seed funding for collaborations increase graduate student support
Sustainability Human & Social Development Demography Health Neurosciences Stem Cells SecurityEnergy Process SALSI Infectious Diseases ICARE Water Research Advanced Manufacturing Archeological Research High Performance Computing Child and Adolescent Policy Real Time Simulation & Visualization Cyber Security
01/08 Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research (SFBR) UT Austin Permian Basin Brownsville Military South Texas Technology Management (STTM) University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) Research Partnerships CPS Energy SAWS Energy Industry Governments
Undergraduate Education updating enrollment management increasing our support for enrolled students increase student success indicators
Key Performance Indicators % incoming freshman from the top quartile in high school proportion of graduate students first-to second-year persistence four- and six-year graduation rates ratio of FTE students to student headcount number of baccalaureate graduates pursuing advanced degree programs
New Doctoral Programs Designed to: Complement the areas of UTSA’s research excellence Meet regional needs and impact Ed.D. in Child and Adolescent Development Ph.D. in Psychology Ph.D. in Economics Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. in Translational Sciences
Faculty Development work-loads (time for research) recognition of research accomplishments seed grants for collaborative research Expanded research infrastructure Research mentoring of new faculty
The Competition for Tier 1 Metrics (for 2020)UTEPUTAUTDTTUH* UNT Enrollment (K) Research Expenditures ($M) New Faculty Ph.D. Grads/yr Endowment (M) yr Graduation Rate (%) * 2015
Basis for Research Growth Projections Alignment with Federal priorities (e.g. Health, Energy, Cyber security) Stimulus (ARRA) seeding new projects SALSI funding seeding new projects New research faculty hires Research facilities (e.g. AET) Expanded external research partnerships Commercialization of intellectual property
Tier 1