Speech Recognizer Training Thank you for helping us to train our speech recognizer! Read each word out loud. If you don't know how to pronounce a word, ask, and we can tell you. If you want a break, say so – or just stop talking. We can stop as long as you like. We can also give you water.
Speech Recognizer Training There are 765 words: 3 blocks of 255. Each block contains: –10 Digits (“one, two,...”) –26 Radio Alphabet Words (“alpha, bravo,...”) –19 Commands (“backspace, delete,...”) –100 Common Words (“it, is, them,...”) –100 Uncommon Words (“naturalization,...”)
Block Three: Digits
Block Three: Radio Alphabet
Echo 1/26
Delta 2/26
Whiskey 3/26
Kilo 4/26
Sierra 5/26
Tango 6/26
Uniform 7/26
X-ray 8/26
Juliet 9/26
Charlie 10/26
Quebec 11/26
Papa 12/26
Zulu 13/26
Romeo 14/26
Foxtrot 15/26
India 16/26
Lima 17/26
Victor 18/26
Yankee 19/26
Golf 20/26
Hotel 21/26
November 22/26
Bravo 23/26
Oscar 24/26
Alpha 25/26
Mike 26/26
Block Three: Computer Commands
Command 1/19
Backspace 2/19
Delete 3/19
Enter 4/19
Tab 5/19
Escape 6/19
Alt 7/19
Control 8/19
Shift 9/19
Line 10/19
Paragraph 11/19
Sentence 12/19
Paste 13/19
Cut 14/19
Copy 15/19
Upward 16/19
Downward 17/19
Left 18/19
Right 19/19
Block Three: Common Words
the 1/100
of 2/100
and 3/100
a 4/100
to 5/100
in 6/100
is 7/100
you 8/100
that 9/100
it 10/100
he 11/100
was 12/100
for 13/100
on 14/100
are 15/100
as 16/100
with 17/100
his 18/100
they 19/100
I 20/100
at 21/100
be 22/100
this 23/100
have 24/100
from 25/100
or 26/100
had 27/100
by 28/100
word 29/100
but 30/100
not 31/100
what 32/100
all 33/100
were 34/100
we 35/100
when 36/100
your 37/100
can 38/100
said 39/100
there 40/100
use 41/100
an 42/100
each 43/100
which 44/100
she 45/100
do 46/100
how 47/100
their 48/100
if 49/100
will 50/100
up 51/100
other 52/100
about 53/100
out 54/100
many 55/100
then 56/100
them 57/100
these 58/100
so 59/100
some 60/100
her 61/100
would 62/100
make 63/100
like 64/100
him 65/100
into 66/100
time 67/100
has 68/100
look 69/100
more 70/100
write 71/100
go 72/100
see 73/100
number 74/100
no 75/100
way 76/100
could 77/100
people 78/100
my 79/100
than 80/100
first 81/100
water 82/100
been 83/100
call 84/100
who 85/100
oil 86/100
its 87/100
now 88/100
find 89/100
long 90/100
down 91/100
day 92/100
did 93/100
get 94/100
come 95/100
made 96/100
may 97/100
part 98/100
oh 99/100
yes 100/100
Block Three: Uncommon Words
enthuse 1/100
exploit 2/100
Fayetteville 3/100
foil 4/100
good 5/100
greyhound 6/100
hanger 7/100
Heyward 8/100
hoist 9/100
Iroquois 10/100
jowls 11/100
joyful 12/100
juries 13/100
lawyer 14/100
Missouri 15/100
moonshine 16/100
Nathaniel 17/100
nodule 18/100
nowhere 19/100
output 20/100
ploughshare 21/100
protegé 22/100
refugee 23/100
regime 24/100
rendezvous 25/100
resound 26/100
reward 27/100
righteous 28/100
Sawyer 29/100
scullion 30/100
shout 31/100
stringy 32/100
swoon 33/100
sympathize 34/100
thine 35/100
thou 36/100
toil 37/100
unyielding 38/100
wherewithal 39/100
without 40/100
Yale 41/100
Massachusetts 42/100
designate 43/100
forgetfulness 44/100
quadrupled 45/100
southeasterly 46/100
berserker 47/100
chambermaid 48/100
demolish 49/100
exaggerate 50/100
multiflora 51/100
observation 52/100
professionals 53/100
roly-poly 54/100
thirty-five 55/100
vouchsafe 56/100
washerwoman 57/100
afterthought 58/100
awhile 59/100
browbeat 60/100
bungalows 61/100
choking 62/100
clergyman 63/100
commercial 64/100
convenience 65/100
cushy 66/100
dodgers 67/100
episode 68/100
equilibrium 69/100
fathom 70/100
Gustave 71/100
homeopath 72/100
inexhaustible 73/100
Judith 74/100
Morgantown 75/100
moustache 76/100
nausea 77/100
newfound 78/100
powwow 79/100
praiseworthy 80/100
sandpipers 81/100
soothing 82/100
jumping 83/100
pajamas 84/100
flowers 85/100
brush 86/100
drum 87/100
frog 88/100
clown 89/100
green 90/100
balloons 91/100
crying 92/100
glasses 93/100
slide 94/100
stars 95/100
fire 96/100
watch 97/100
ahead 98/100
away 99/100
crayon 100/100
End of Block Two. Thank You!