May 15, 1948 Rebirth of The Nation Of Israel RAPTURE of Christ’s Church TRIBULATION 3 1/2 Years 42 months 1260 days RETURN OF CHRIST Resurrection of Tribulation.


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Presentation transcript:

May 15, 1948 Rebirth of The Nation Of Israel RAPTURE of Christ’s Church TRIBULATION 3 1/2 Years 42 months 1260 days RETURN OF CHRIST Resurrection of Tribulation Believers Millennial Kingdom 1000 Years NEW HEAVENS NEW EARTH National Salvation of Israel END TIMES

CHRIST’S Death & Resurrectio n Holy Spirit comes and goes as His work requires 7 Year TRIB 3 1/2 Yrs RETURN OF CHRIST Resurrection of Trib Believers Millennial Kingdom 1000 Years National Salvation of Israel MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Jesus meets us in the air. 1 Thes4: Thes 2: BC BIRTH OF JESUS The Son leaves His Father To Enter the Human Race CHRIST’S ASCENSION 40 Days 10 Days PENTECOST Holy Spirit Moves from Heaven Into Believers Holy Spirit Moves with Believers Back to Heaven RAPTURE John 14:15-18 Acts 2:1-4

7 Year TRIB 3 1/2 Yrs RETURN OF CHRIST Resurrection of Trib Believers Millenni al Kingdom 1000 Years Where People Go When They Die BOSOM OF ABRAHAM CHRIST’S RESURRECTION 3 Days RAPTURE DEPARTED DEAD Lost/Now In Prison GWT SHEOL / HADES