Israelology The Missing link in Systematic Theology.


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Presentation transcript:

Israelology The Missing link in Systematic Theology

Purpose of this course 1 - Teach the four views concerning Israel of conservative/evangelical Systematic Theology) 2 - To determine how a theology can lead to anti- semitism, indifference or Pro-semitism to the issue of Israel. 3 - To develop a theology of Israel (Israelology) past, present and future that is consistent with Dispensational Systematic Theology

Terminology Biblical Theology: Study of each book of the cannon of Scripture to determine what it is the Bible is teaching. Systematic Theology: Organize under one heading all the bible teaches on one subject Israelology: Doctrine of Israel (all that the bible teaches on Israel and the Jewish people) Israel (Jewishness): All physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob Hermeneutics: The science that teaches us the principles, laws, and methods of biblical interpretation from two differing approaches allegorical, or literarily Dispensationalism: System of theology based on a literal interpretation of the bible that views the world as a household run by God dispensing its affairs according to His will, in various stages of revelation in the process of time. These various stages mark off the distinguishably different economies, these economies are the dispensations which are usually seven.

Terminology Covenant Theology: System of theology which represents the whole of scripture as being covered by covenants based on an allegorical interpretation of the bible. Two covenants Works and Grace Covenant Postmillennialism: Covenant Amillennialism: Covenant Premillennialism: Postribulation, Midtribulation, Pretribulation Millennium or Millennium Kingdom: 1000 years Messianic Kingdom Premillennialism: Messiah comes before the 1000 years Postmillennialism): Dominion Theology, Some covenant theologists believe Messiah comes after the 1000 years Church reigns for 1000years Amillennialism: Some covenant theologists believe in no literal 1000 year reign, it is a spiritual reign now 1,000years is symbolic number between the 1 st and 2 nd comings to views. 1)Church is the millennium now 2)Millennium is up in heaven

C. The significant importance of this study Issue of Israel in Hermeneutics (Allegorical, Literal) distinguish one school from another Covenant Post-millennium Covenant A-millennium Covenant Pre-millennium Pre-trib / Mid-trib / Post-trib Dispensational Pre-MillPre-trib / Mid-trib / Post-trib

D. The place of Israelology in Systematic Theology BibliologyDoctrine of the Bible Theology Proper Doctrine of the Trinity/Father ChristologyDoctrine of Christ PneumatolgyDoctrine of the Holy Spirit Angelology Doctrine of Angels SatanologyDoctrine of Satan DemonmologyDoctrine of Demons AnthropologyDoctrine of Man HamartiologyDoctrine of Sin SoteriologyDoctrine of Salvation IsraelologyDoctrine of Israel EcclesiologyDoctrine of the Church EschatologyDoctrine of last things

Covenant Postmillennialism: The belief that the return of Christ known as the 2 nd coming will take place after the millennium (POST)

Tenants: Allegorical interpretation Israel = the church The millennium is not a literal 1,000 years Millennium is the period of Gospel dispensation from the Ascension of Christ or possible the Day of Pentecost and will continue until the 2 nd coming. Millennium is the Golden Age of the Church a long period of peace and righteousness after which the Messiah will return commonly know as the 2 nd coming. Messianic or millennial kingdom (Jesus receives the Kingdom) Temporary Consummate Kingdom (Jesus surrenders the kingdom to the Father) Eternal Popular with the early Puritans also called Dominion Theology, Kingdom Now, Replacement Theology

Covenant Postmillennialism Israel Past, Present, Future Israel Past 1) Israel God’s chosen people OT Israel were God’s chosen people but no longer they are cast off 2)The Church in the Old Testament Israel the people of God, Church the people of God Therefore must be one people of God the Church 3) The Law of Moses This was a national covenant made with the State and the church they were inseparable. 4) The way of Salvation Meaning you are saved by grace through faith. But that always being the same faith in the Saviour. Not the progressive revelation of salvation that is clearly in the OT 5) Kingdom of God Israel and the Church are the Kingdom of God and our one.

Israel Present 1) Israel and the Church Church is the new Israel in the OT is was united with the state in the NT it is separate from the state 2) the Kingdom of God The church is the Kingdom of God 3) The law of Moses Made with Israel and the church 4) The State of Israel today It is not a fulfillment of bible prophecy 5) Romans 9-11 the olive tree This is Israel vs the Church the olive tree is the church and the place of blessing

Israel Future 1) Eschatology and Israel’s restoration There is no future final restoration of the state of Israel 2) The national salvation of Israel Romans 11 The Jews who will believe will become included in the Church

Covenant Amillennialism Definition of Amillennialism (Realized Millennialism): The denial of a literal reign of Christ upon the earth, Satan was bound at the death of Christ. The present age between the 1 st and 2 nd coming is the Spiritual Millennium so what millennium there will be is now. It’s adherents are in Heaven and on earth, the state of affairs on earth will grow worse and worse until the 2 nd coming followed immediately by the eternal state.

Tenants of Amillennialism The Millennium began at the 1 st coming and will end at the 2 nd coming Satan was bound at Christ’s 1 st coming and death Allegorical interpretation, millennium prophecies being fulfilled now Immediately after the 2 nd coming we enter the eternal state Two views on the who in the millennium It is an intermediate state enjoyed only by the departed saints Started with the 1 st coming, end at the 2 nd enjoyed by all saints

Eschatology of Amillennialism Satan was bound at the 1 st coming millennium will end at the 2 nd coming The Church and will face the tribulation the coming of the anti-Christ Satan will be loosed for a short time just prior to the 2 nd coming Christ will appear bodily and Satan will be cast to hell Christ coming will result in the great resurrection of all the dead The great resurrection will be followed by the great white throne judgment and the final separation of the righteous and the wicked The earth will then be cleansed and purified by fire The eternal state of revelation 21,22 will began All the saints will reign with Christ glorifying God

Covenant Amillennialism Israelology Past, Present, Future Covenant of Grace between God and the Elect (supreme), all others are a facet of this (no proof of the existence of this covenant) Abrahamic Covenant part of the covenant of grace not the start of a new with the nation Israel but the start of the church, Spiritual promises are paramount the conditional covenant with Israel has been cancelled Mosaic Covenant not a distinguishing difference from Abrahamic but another outworking of the covenant of grace Abrahamic and Mosaic are the same Salvation is the same in all ages as to the content of our faith then and now. Church in the OT since Adam to Moses as a people (pious house of God) Moses to end is the state

Covenant Amillennialism Israelology Past, Present, Future New Covenant is a new administration covenant of grace began with Israel now beyond to all nations Abrahamic Covenant Not a Jewish covenant made with the church the church is the Israel of God Mosaic covenant & the law of Moses Some of the laws were temporary some were eternal but no objective standard to determine which is which Israel and the Church The church is Israel in the OT only difference between the OT and NT is that with new it has been separated from nation and ethnic Israel. Kingdom of God and the Church The church is the Kingdom and it is spiritual not physcial Israel today The existence of the State of Israel today is not a fulfillment of bible prophecy They have no God given right to the land The Olive tree of Romans 11 There is only one tree in the text, there is only one people of God The Church is the people of god therefore the tree is the church

Covenant Amillennialism Israelology Past, Present, Future Israel Future There is no future for Israel all prophecies are being fulfilled spiritually by the church No restoration of the Nation, no right to the land now or in the future Romans 11:25-32 and All Israel shall be saved Three views 1) They define Israel as being Church therefore Paul was indicating that the whole church shall be saved. 2) This refers to the Jew’s as a nation, the national salvation of Israel will occur sometime after the fullness of the gentiles 3) Israel refers to the elect of Jews being saved between the 1 st and 2 nd coming

Covenant Pre-millennialism (Historic Pre-Millennialism)

Covenant Pre-millennialism (Historic Pre-Millennialism) Definition: Pre-millennialism is the doctrine stating that after the 2 nd coming of Christ, He will reign for a 1,000 years over the earth before the final consummation of God’s redemptive purpose in the new heavens and the new earth of the age to come. This is the natural reading of revelation 20:1-6

Covenant Pre-millennialism (Historic Pre-Millennialism) Definition: Pre-millennialism is the doctrine stating that after the 2 nd coming of Christ, He will reign for a 1,000 years over the earth before the final consummation of God’s redemptive purpose in the new heavens and the new earth of the age to come. This is the natural reading of revelation 20:1-6 This definition of pre-millennialism does not differ from dispensational pre- millennialism. However the basic differences are as follows Rev 20:1-6 is the only biblical support for pre-mill position.

Covenant Pre-millennialism (Historic Pre-Millennialism) Definition: Pre-millennialism is the doctrine stating that after the 2 nd coming of Christ, He will reign for a 1,000 years over the earth before the final consummation of God’s redemptive purpose in the new heavens and the new earth of the age to come. This is the natural reading of revelation 20:1-6 This definition of pre-millennialism does not differ from dispensational pre- millennialism. However the basic differences are as follows Rev 20:1-6 is the only biblical support for pre-mill position. All the OT prophesies concerning Israel as being fulfilled by the church.

Covenant Pre-millennialism (Historic Pre-Millennialism) Definition: Pre-millennialism is the doctrine stating that after the 2 nd coming of Christ, He will reign for a 1,000 years over the earth before the final consummation of God’s redemptive purpose in the new heavens and the new earth of the age to come. This is the natural reading of revelation 20:1-6 This definition of pre-millennialism does not differ from dispensational pre- millennialism. However the basic differences are as follows Rev 20:1-6 is the only biblical support for pre-mill position. All the OT prophesies concerning Israel as being fulfilled by the church. The role of Israel and the Church are not kept separated and distinct

Covenant Pre-millennialism (Historic Pre-Millennialism) Definition: Pre-millennialism is the doctrine stating that after the 2 nd coming of Christ, He will reign for a 1,000 years over the earth before the final consummation of God’s redemptive purpose in the new heavens and the new earth of the age to come. This is the natural reading of revelation 20:1-6 This definition of pre-millennialism does not differ from dispensational pre- millennialism. However the basic differences are as follows Rev 20:1-6 is the only biblical support for pre-mill position. All the OT prophesies concerning Israel as being fulfilled by the church. The role of Israel and the Church are not kept separated and distinct Covenant Pre-Mill does not accept the role of Israel during the millennium

Covenant Pre-Mill Eschatological order of events

The 2 nd coming of Christ

Covenant Pre-Mill Eschatological order of events The 2 nd coming of Christ The destruction of the Anti-Christ and his armies

Covenant Pre-Mill Eschatological order of events The 2 nd coming of Christ The destruction of the Anti-Christ and his armies Satan will be bound for 1,000 years

Covenant Pre-Mill Eschatological order of events The 2 nd coming of Christ The destruction of the Anti-Christ and his armies Satan will be bound for 1,000 years The 1 st resurrection saints will rule and reign with Christ for 1,000 years

Covenant Pre-Mill Eschatological order of events The 2 nd coming of Christ The destruction of the Anti-Christ and his armies Satan will be bound for 1,000 years The 1 st resurrection the saints will rule and reign with Christ for 1,000 years Satan is loosed and leads the last revolt

Covenant Pre-Mill Eschatological order of events The 2 nd coming of Christ The destruction of the Anti-Christ and his armies Satan will be bound for 1,000 years The 1 st resurrection the saints will rule and reign with Christ for 1,000 years Satan is loosed and leads the last revolt Satan is cast into the lake of fire

Covenant Pre-Mill Eschatological order of events The 2 nd coming of Christ The destruction of the Anti-Christ and his armies Satan will be bound for 1,000 years The 1 st resurrection the saints will rule and reign with Christ for 1,000 years Satan is loosed and leads the last revolt Satan is cast into the lake of fire The 2 nd resurrection of unbelievers

Covenant Pre-Mill Eschatological order of events The 2 nd coming of Christ The destruction of the Anti-Christ and his armies Satan will be bound for 1,000 years The 1 st resurrection the saints will rule and reign with Christ for 1,000 years Satan is loosed and leads the last revolt Satan is cast into the lake of fire The 2 nd resurrection of unbelievers Great white Throne Judgment

Covenant Pre-Mill Eschatological order of events The 2 nd coming of Christ The destruction of the Anti-Christ and his armies Satan will be bound for 1,000 years The 1 st resurrection the saints will rule and reign with Christ for 1,000 years Satan is loosed and leads the last revolt Satan is cast into the lake of fire The 2 nd resurrection of unbelievers Great white Throne Judgment Unbelievers are cast into the lake of fire

Covenant Pre-Mill Eschatological order of events The 2 nd coming of Christ The destruction of the Anti-Christ and his armies Satan will be bound for 1,000 years The 1 st resurrection the saints will rule and reign with Christ for 1,000 years Satan is loosed and leads the last revolt Satan is cast into the lake of fire The 2 nd resurrection of unbelievers Great white Throne Judgment Unbelievers are cast into the lake of fire The eternal state

Israel Past, Present, Future Past Chosen peopleLiteral Israel was the chosen people in the OT

Israel Past, Present, Future Past Chosen peopleLiteral Israel was the chosen people in the OT Abrahamic CovenantGod dealt with ethic Israel it was a Jewish Covenant

Israel Past, Present, Future Past Chosen peopleLiteral Israel was the chosen people in the OT Abrahamic CovenantGod dealt with ethic Israel it was a Jewish Covenant Church in the OTTwo opinions Church was in the OT the People of God or Israel The church was not in the OT

Israel Present Israel and the ChurchChurch is true or Spiritual Israel (OT is interpreted using the NT)

Israel Present Israel and the ChurchChurch is true or Spiritual Israel (OT is interpreted using the NT) Kingdom of Godliteral earthly and Spiritual Kingdom both are the Church

Israel Present Israel and the ChurchChurch is true or Spiritual Israel (OT is interpreted using the NT) Kingdom of Godliteral earthly and Spiritual Kingdom both are the Church Law of MosesMosaic Law enforce today Christ gave the true meaning

Israel Present Israel and the ChurchChurch is true or Spiritual Israel (OT is interpreted using the NT) Kingdom of Godliteral earthly and Spiritual Kingdom both are the Church Law of MosesMosaic Law enforce today Christ gave true meaning Israel TodayJews right to the Land, will be a national/spiritual restoration

Israel Present Israel and the ChurchChurch is true or Spiritual Israel (OT is interpreted using the NT) Kingdom of Godliteral earthly kingdom as well as a Spiritual Kingdom both are the Church Law of MosesMosaic Law is enforce today Christ gave the true meaning Israel TodayJews right to the Land will be a national/spiritual restoration Rom 9-11, Olive treeSpiritual Israel of Romans and the Olive tree are the Church

Israel Future Rapture of the ChurchMost believe in a are Post Tribulation rapture (Israel is the Church)

Israel Future Rapture of the ChurchMost believe in a are Post Tribulation rapture (Israel is the Church) 144,000 of Rev 14Not Israel, symbolic meaning the whole Church

Israel Future Rapture of the ChurchMost believe in a are Post Tribulation rapture (Israel is the Church) 144,000 of Rev 14Not Israel, symbolic meaning the whole Church Woman of Rev 12 This is the Church

Israel Future Rapture of the ChurchMost believe in a are Post Tribulation rapture (Israel is the Church) 144,000 of Rev 14Not Israel, symbolic meaning the whole Church Woman of Rev 12 This is the Church Rom 9-11National salvation of Israel, they will assimilate into the church

Israel Future Rapture of the ChurchMost believe in a are Post Tribulation rapture (Israel is the Church) 144,000 of Rev 14Not Israel, symbolic meaning the whole Church Woman of Rev 12 This is the Church Rom 9-11National salvation of Israel, they will assimilate into the church Messianic KingdomPre-Trib, Mid –Trib see a Jewish influence, Post-trib doesn’t