Many people follow blatantly false doctrine Jesus was just a man, Heb. 1:8 There is no hell, Mk. 9:42-48 Christ will reign on earth for 1,000 years
Bible teaches Premillennialism is anti-Christ Result of human speculation Test the spirits, 1 Jn. 4:1-6
Paradise Tribulation Temple Rebuilt Rapture
Paradise Tribulation Temple Rebuilt Rapture Christ Returns Battle of Armageddon Resurrection of trib. Saints Judgment of saints
Paradise Tribulation Temple Rebuilt Rapture Christ Returns Kingdom established in Jerusalem Jews converted Satan bound 1,000 yrs. of peace
Paradise Tribulation Temple Rebuilt Rapture Christ Returns 1,000 yrs. of peace Wicked raised Wicked: hell Righteous: Heaven
Denies Promises To Abram Were Fulfilled God’s promises, Gen. 12:1-3 -Land -Nation -Seed
Denies Promises To Abram Were Fulfilled God’s promises fulfilled -Land, Josh. 21:43-45; Neh. 9:7, 8 Num. 34:2; 35:10-15, 34; Josh. 20:1-9 Gen. 15:18; 1 Kgs. 4:21 -Nation, Ex. 12:37; Jud. 2:20; Isa. 1:2-4 -Seed, Gal. 3:16 Gal. 3:7-9, 26-29; Rom. 2:28, 29 1 Pt. 2:4-10; Mt. 21:43
Denies Prophecies of OT were fulfilled Facts about prophecy, 2 Pt. 1:20, 21 -Prepared world for Christ, Acts 26:22, 23 -Prepared world for spiritual nature of Christ’s kingdom, Jer. 31:31-34; Lk. 17:20, 21
Denies Prophecies of OT were fulfilled Facts about prophecy, 2 Pt. 1:20, 21 -Interpretation by inspired men is infallible, 1 Cor. 2:7-13; Acts 2: Prophecies about Christ: Apply to either 1 st or 2 nd coming, not both Whatever they applied to when written, they will apply to for all time
Denies Prophecies of OT were fulfilled Psalm 2:8, 9: Christ’s future reign -Context, Psa. 2:1-9 -Peter, Acts 4: Paul, Acts 13:31-33
Denies Prophecies of OT were fulfilled OT language is literal, Psa. 132:11 says Christ will literally sit on David’s throne -Peter, Acts 2:29-32
Denies Prophecies of OT were fulfilled “Sure mercies of David” still to be fulfilled, Isa. 55:3 -Paul, Acts 13:33-39
Denies Prophecies of OT were fulfilled
Many people follow blatantly false doctrine Jesus was just a man, Heb. 1:8 There is no hell, Mk. 9:42-48 Christ will reign on earth for 1,000 years
Bible teaches Premillennialism is anti-Christ Result of human speculation Test the spirits, 1 Jn. 4:1-6