United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division UNECE Clearinghouse on migration statistics Paolo Valente and Ayima Okeeva, UNECE UNECE-UNFPA.


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Presentation transcript:

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division UNECE Clearinghouse on migration statistics Paolo Valente and Ayima Okeeva, UNECE UNECE-UNFPA Workshop on Migration Statistics Antalya, October 2011

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 2October 19, 2015 Objective of clearinghouse: Facilitate exchange and dissemination of basic, core, aggregate data on international migration for CIS countries

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 3October 19, 2015 Background and history 2006: Data exchange exercise for preparation of Guidelines (19 countries in 4 clusters) 2007: Study on data exchange in 11 CIS countries, based on draft Guidelines 2009: Guidelines on exchanging data to improve emigration statistics, endorsed by CES: a) Set of standard tables on stocks and flows for bilateral exchanges among countries b) Setting up clearing house maintained by an Intl. Org. to facilitate sharing of data among countries

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 4October 19, 2015 Background and history (cont.) 2010: UN Development Account Project on migration – Objectives include:  Improving migration data quality  Promoting exchange and dissemination of migration data  Feb. 2010: Workshop in Bishkek (CIS countries)  Preliminary set of tables on basic migration data by country of origin, citizenship, previous/next residence  Dec. 2010: Workshop in Istanbul (CIS countries)  Agreement to use revised version of Bishkek tables for initial data collection  Technical aspects: UNECE DB infrastructure; data transmission using Excel files

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 5October 19, 2015 Progress since Dec  Finalization of tables for data collection  Collection of data from countries  IT infrastructure created at UNECE  Uploading of data  Creation of output tables and internal testing  Adjustments of selected tables

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 6October 19, 2015 Homepage - List of tables

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 7 List of tables (1) 11 Tables including data of stocks and flows, by long- term and short-term migration, for 2009, 2010 and 2011: 1. Population by country of birth, age and sex (stocks) 2. Population by citizenship, age and sex (stocks) 3. Long-term immigration by country of previous residence, age and sex (flows) 4. Long-term emigration by countries of next residence, age and sex (flows) 5. Long-term immigration by citizenship and sex (flows) 6. Long-term emigration by citizenship and sex (flows) 7. Citizenship acquisitions by country of previous citizenship and sex (flows)

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 8 List of tables (2) Additional tables on short-term migration not yet available (still being processed): 1. Population by country of birth, age and sex (stocks) 2. Population by citizenship, age and sex (stocks) 3. Long-term immigration by country of previous residence, age and sex (flows) 4. Long-term emigration by countries of next residence, age and sex (flows) 5. Long-term immigration by citizenship and sex (flows) 6. Long-term emigration by citizenship and sex (flows) 7. Citizenship acquisitions by country of previous citizenship and sex (flows) 8. Short-term immigration by citizenship, reason for moving and sex (flows) 9. Short-term emigration by country of arrival, reason for moving and sex (flows) 10. Short-term immigration by citizenship, reason for moving and sex (stocks) 11. Short-term emigration by country of arrival, reason for moving and sex (stocks)

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 9October 19, 2015 Example of data query

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 10October 19, 2015 Selection of categories

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 11October 19, 2015 Output obtained

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 12October 19, 2015 Example of pivoting

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 13October 19, 2015 Demonstration of pivoting

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 14October 19, 2015 Result of pivoting

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 15October 19, 2015 Example of chart: Bar chart of foreign-born population by age and sex, Kazakhstan 2009

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 16October 19, 2015 Example of chart: Population pyramid of foreign-born population, Kazakhstan 2009

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 17October 19, 2015 Data export in many formats

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 18October 19, 2015 Primary data sources  Population census  Population register  Residence and exit permits  Data collected at the border  Surveys

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 19 Data availability  Tables 1-7: good availability in year 2009 (or before) average availability in year 2010 bad availability for 2011  Tables 8-11 (short-term): generally bad availability on short- term migration.  2 countries (Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) did not provide any data. 1 Data available only from Data available only from 2001.

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 20October 19, 2015 Data availability  Biggest amount of data available for tables 1 and 2 in 2009  mostly data from censuses.  Tables 3 to 6 (long-term migration) available in up to 6 out of 12 countries in 2009 and 2010, lack of data for  Data on aquired citizenships fully available for 5 out of 12 countries in 2009 and for 4 out of 12 in  Almost no fully filled tables on short- term migration (exception: Moldova fully provided data on short-term immigration).

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 21October 19, 2015 Problems and challenges  Some countries changing the formats of the tables;  Some data could not be provided by the countries because it does not support the table format;  Sometimes sums of age groups and/or sums of gender groups do not reflect the total numbers indicated;  Missing data: not available but relevant? / available but not provided;  Stock data vs. Flow data  sometimes misleading;  Data source not always indicated;  Very often, the disaggregated numbers by countries were given but the total numbers (e.g. total number of immigrants) are missing and were calculated upon the receipt of the tables;

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 2210/19/2015 Страна гражданства/ Country of citizenship Всего, оба пола/Total both sexes Всего, мужчины/ Total men Всего женщины/ Total women Всего прибывших/ Total inflow Всего граждан страны/ Total nationals Всего иностранных граждан/ Total foreigners Всего лиц без гражданства/ Total stateless Неизвестно/ Unknown303 Долгосрочная иммиграция по странам гражданства и полу Long-term immigration by citizenship and sex

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 23October 19, 2015 Outcomes and opportunities  Continuous joint work and cooperation of all relevant (national statistical offices, ministries and other state institutions) agencies on the national level.  Drawing capacities and institutional actors on national and international levels.

UNECE Statistical Division Slide 24October 19, 2015 Next steps:  Discussing specific data problems/issues with indvidual countries/focal points;  Making the Clearinghouse public;  Promoting the Clearinghouse in cooperation with NSI;  Receiving from countries new/updated data;  Review and improve questionnaire;  Organize next data collection (tentatively summer 2012?)  UNECE/Eurostat Work Session September 2012.