GRC SPACE OPERATIONS PROJECT OFFICE Space Communications Office SCAN Testbed Project Monthly Status Review D. Malarik, Project Manager M. Zernic, Deputy.


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Presentation transcript:

GRC SPACE OPERATIONS PROJECT OFFICE Space Communications Office SCAN Testbed Project Monthly Status Review D. Malarik, Project Manager M. Zernic, Deputy Project Manager R. Reinhart, Project Principle Investigator L. Aponte-Richter, Resource Analyst June 7,

GRC Project Manager: MSC/Diane Malarik Chief Engineer: DT/Josh Freeh Safety & Mission Assurance Lead: Q/R. Plastow NASA Customer: SCaN Program/John Rush Key Contractor(s): GESS/ASRC; SpaceDOC/ZIN Project Mission Statement: Develop, deploy and operate a communications, navigation, and networking testbed on ISS to advance the TRL of Software Defined Radios (SDR) and the Space Telecommunications Radio Standard (STRS) in support of future NASA missions. GRC Scope: The SCaN Testbed project is defined as the design, build, launch, and operations of the SCAN Testbed, as well as the development, integration and on-orbit execution of experiments and other users. Project closeout will occur no earlier than 2018, or upon Program direction, with SCAN Testbed decommissioning, disposal, and final documentation. GRC will lead a multi-partner team (GSFC, JPL, JSC, General Dynamics and Harris) to deliver the testbed for launch on JAXA’s HTV3 in July 2012 and operate for a minimum of 3 years. Project Life Cycle Schedule Insertion into HTV-3 Unpressurized Section Flight System in TVAC SCaN Testbed Operations & Experiments Project 2 MilestonesSRRIVRPDRCDRPh III Safety SARORRLaunchOpsOn-Orbit Expts ReturnFinal Report Actual/ Baseline 5/200810/20089/20094/201008/201110/20116/20127/2012Inc. 32=>01/2013N/A


4  Status CostScheduleTechnicalMgmt Current MonthGGGR Prior MonthGGGR Stoplight Status and Explanations CURRENT MONTH EXPLANATIONS MgmtReason and Potential ImpactAction Plan Resolution Date R Workforce Transition: FTE under run in SW, SE&I, RF and Comm, resulting in delay of NRA release and remaining SW development Performing orgs have failed to identify back fills. Project requests center help. On-going

Accomplishments Conducted first Mission Simulation with POIC & ISS (5/10) –Goals accomplished (various activations/de-activiations, JPL science captures) –Addressed purposely induced overarching failures (non-SCaN Testbed-centric) –POIC pleased with sim/impressed with our MO Team – mutually beneficial experience Provided overview and tour of GIU to Miami University faculty (5/14) Briefed SCaN TSD Director on updated FY12 budget shortfall/option (5/18) Conducted ORR Board Kick-off (early/mid-May) –Adjusted Board membership per Plan, Rev. A –Provided 2 sets of document drops + supporting information Conducted GIU-GPS ERB (5/25) –Preparation to install JPL GPS antenna (B333 roof) and provide additional ground capability Approval of ORR/KDP-E Plan (5/25)  Briefed CMC on Plan, Rev. A (5/24); GRC Deputy Center Director signed (5/25) Conducted JAXA De-briefing for Project info exchange (5/29) Conducted ORR Dry Run (5/30) Briefed SCaN TSD Director at PSR (5/31) Received themed visual summaries from first 2 (of 3) Lessons Learned workshops…. 5

Lessons Learned Themed Visual Summaries Examples 6

ORR Preparation Conducted Kick-off with ORR Board ORR documents available for review – 2 drops + Supporting Material Board Membership: Kevin McPherson – Chair, GRC/ISS Facility Payload Ops Gary Morse - HQ/SCaN Program Devin Bitner - GSFC/SN, NEN Lee Jankowski - MSFC/ISS POIC Frank Gati - GRC/Systems Engineering Rich Reinhart - GRC/PI Dennis Rohn - GRC/Systems, Ops Tim Best - GRC/S&MA Jim Budinger - GRC/Communications (Former SRB Member) Al Linne - GRC/ISS Payloads Chief Engineer Laura Maynard-Nelson - GRC/Software 7

8 ORR Agenda – Morning Session June 5, 2012 TimeTopicPresenter 8:30Introduction and Project OverviewD. Malarik 9:00ORR Overview (Scope, Process)S. Hall 9:10Summary of Verification and ValidationS. Hall 9:30Operations OverviewS. Sinacore, L. Gray 10:15Break 10:25ISS Ground SystemsM. Aulisio 10:40SN/NEN Ground SystemsS. Sinacore 10:55Checkout ScheduleD. Centeno-Gomez 11:10Checkout ProceduresJ. Norton 11:20Off-Nominal ProceduresJ. Keller 11:30Anomaly Resolution ProcessR. Pavlik 11:50Data Management PlanB. Curtis 12:10Working Lunch Building 54, Rm 101

9 ORR Agenda – Afternoon Session June 5, 2012 TimeTopicPresenter 12:45Training Plan and RecordsM. Aulisio 1:00Ops Assessment of SW AnomaliesS. Sinacore 1:20Software StatusJ. Keller 1:40Experiment Integration ApproachA. Sexton 1:55Ground Systems for Sustaining EngineeringA. Rybar 2:10S&MA AssessmentR. Plastow 2:20Certification of Flight Readiness StatusD. Kiefer 2:30Break 2:45Top Project RisksM. Zernic 2:55ScheduleJ. Lekan 3:05Resources and PM AssessmentD. Malarik 3:15PI AssessmentR. Reinhart 3:30ORR Board CaucusORR Board 4:30ORR OutbriefK. McPherson Building 54, Rm 101

ORR June 5, 2012 Top Picture: Mission Ops Team member, Mike Aulisio, briefs ORR Board Members during one of the 20+ agenda topics. Left Picture: ORR Board members eagerly await the next item on the agenda. Right Picture: Venus Transit occurs on June 5, 2012, “Finally the planets align for CoNNeCT”, Laura Spayd. Photo taken by SE&I Lead, Steve Hall. 10

ORR Summary The ORR Board recommends the SCaN Testbed Project proceed into Phase E Operations, pending the completion of: – Off-nominal procedures for known off-nominal conditions deemed likely to occur from the JIRA and CPAR review process – Ops team training and familiarity review with the above off-nominal procedures Top Board Findings – 4 Project Strengths: Thorough documentation; Risk management; POIC and SN/NEN coordination; Efficient training approach – ORR Entrance Criteria: 5 Green, 1 Green/Yellow (off-nominal procedures) – ORR Success Criteria: 3 Green, 1 Green/Yellow (depth of critical personnel & functions) – KDP-E Criteria: 10 Green, 6 Green/Yellow (ref Concerns/RFAs), 2 Yellow (Budget/staffing) – 3 Concerns: Budget/staffing; HRDL fix contingency; Prep for off-nominal – 4 RFAs: Contingency plan for HRDL fix; Lack of GIU Spares; Review for Experiment Phase; Insure offset center frequency with GSFC FDF Project Response – Document comment responses back to ORR Board members – EMB on 6/28  PRB on 6/29  CMC on 7/12 SCaN Program KDP-E approval on (TBR) 11

Scenario #3 Session with POIC June 8, 2012 Highlights: Avionics Activation, TWTA Activation, Harris Corporation Activation, and a Ka-band closed loop contact. Experimenters and PI’s involved in the SCaN Testbed Experiments Center; First SCAN TB specific failure (loss of 120 Vdc contingency heater power); First time scripted TWTA and Harris SDR activities in On-board Short Term Plan Viewer (OSTPV) Summary: Accomplished during window durations; Proper response to failure; Quantified power parameters during failure; Determined software module redlines; Favorable remarks from POIC counterparts MSFC POIC: POD – Jason Norwood PRO – Jessica Caudle OC – Tessa Lucas SCAN Testbed Team: MOM - Aulisio / Centeno-Gomez Flight Controller - Brown Flight Commander – Sinacore GIU Controller - Schrage / McGiffin GIU Commander - Norton APS Operator & Scheduler - McGiffin SFEP Operator - Curtis Experimenter - Downey / Sexton PI Observers – Reinhart/Johnson GIU/APS – Jeff Glass 12 Top: SCaN Testbed Team in the TSC Right: STK depicting acquisition Bottom left: OSTPV

13 NASA and JPL Experiments Status Initial Set for On-Orbit Execution (Waveform/Experiment Development ≤ FY12) # 1 S-band SDR Technology (TRL Advancement, TDRSS launch waveforms) – Flight data analysis books underway – GIU SDR characterization underway; new GD SDR Test engineers – Experiment Plans underway #2 Ka-band SDR Technology (TRL Advancement, TDRSS launch waveforms) – Flight data analysis books underway – GIU SDR characterization underway; new Harris SDR Test engineers – Experiment Plans underway #3 IPv4 routing/networking – Consolidated work under new contract, experienced transition delays – Conducted requirements decomposition of avionics and experimenter software interface – Preparations for design review underway (target June) – Experiment planning underway #4 GPS L1, L2, L5 – L2c data captured and able to track (development continues) – Very first L5 data captured with prototype (development continues) – GIPSY ground processing completed for L1-C/A

14 SBIR 2011 Phase I Experiment Formulation/Concept Development in FY12 #7, Radio Navigation Waveform (Codeless GPS), Emergent – Developing concept of operations for spectral compression positioning technique – Developing performance analysis for spectral compression positioning technique at SCaN Testbed location onboard ISS, based on payload location on ELC-3 #8, Agile Cognitive (Signal detection) – Space Micro – Updating objectives wrt SN LGA antenna placement and HW operational parameters – Gathered detailed documentation of the JPL SDR to develop a good understanding of the system operation as well as the interface points for the waveform (ASR) firmware. Identified firmware connection points that allows transfer of analog RF data into VHDL digital domain for process in as well as the VHDL control points allowing VHDL control of the JPL SDR hardware. The ASR experiment intends to process the entire USB uplink band at one time, channelize the observed signals, categorize and report the finds. #9, Scintillation Hardened GPS (Solar Flare Study) – Comm Largo – Developed a MATLAB tracking simulation that allows selectable evaluation of a Kalman filter and a conventional PLL filter as a phase detector for GPS signals undergoing scintillation. The scintillation is produced according to the Cornell Scintillation Model. – Performed testing using the GNSS SDR receiver waveform on the Ettus Research USRP-N210 SDR. The current design allows a selectable interface of either signal samples or a live RF receiver. – Started preliminary design of the Eclipse-based plugin for developing STRS-compliant waveforms.

15 Pursuit of SCaN Testbed Utilization SBIR Experiment Calls – 2011 Phase II – Proposals expected Fall On-orbit tests not expected until ~late 2013 (depends on Phase II proposal and selection) – 2012 Phase I Solicitation Planned for Fall 2012 University/Commercial Experiment Calls – Call to be released in June 2012 for Commercial/Academic/OGA – First users expected late 2013/early 2014 (depends on funding & development time) Conducted exploratory discussions with – APL – AFRL Planned participation in – ISS Utilization Conference (June th in Denver, CO) – International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC) and Ka-Band Conference (September th in Ottawa, Ontario) Group travel via ground transportation under investigation

SCAN Testbed Top Project Risks (Updated) Approach M – Mitigate W – Watch A – Accept R – Research C – Closed Criticality  Decreasing (Improving)  Increasing (Worsening)  Unchanged N New L x C Trend LIKELIHOODLIKELIHOOD CONSEQUENCES LxC Trend RankApproachRisk Title N1M Underfunded Operations and Experiments Phase  2M Experimenter Software Interface N3M Loss of Experienced Software Personnel N4M,WELC HRDL Repair High Med Low STATUS AS OF: 5/31/12 16

Issues and Concerns HRDL Repair Timeline –After the initial ~7 days of checkout that the SCAN team can get through without HRDL, schedule will slip day for day Without the HRDL, the SCAN team will not have the necessary telemetry to continue on with checking out the S-band and Ka-band experiment functions Not a safety concern since safety telemetry via ISS 1553 path; no Hazard Report change –Crew Time allocation may not enable HRDL jumper cable installation until after HTV3 undocking (~30 days) De-couple SCaN Testbed impacts from CoFR approval to avoid unnecessary confusion Continue to work with ISS to accommodate repair within overall crew activity prioritization 17

18 SCaN Testbed Master Schedule Overview

19 Upcoming Events “Experiment Call” Release, June 2012 Operational Readiness Review related: – Goddard Space Flight Center/Space Network Mission Operational Readiness Review, June 21, 2012 – Post-ORR Findings Briefing to CMC, July 12, 2012 – Space Communication and Navigation Program Key Decision Point-E concurrence, July 12, 2012 (TBR) International Space Station Utilization Conference, June in Denver, Colorado –Present at Spacecraft Systems Technology Session Pre-Launch ISS-POIC Simulation #2, July 12, 2012 Transfer Vehicle (HTV3) Launch, July 21, 2012 (Japanese time)

Back-up 20

RankRisk IDRisk StatementApproach & PlanComments 11 SCAN-135Underfunded Operations and Experiments Phase Given the: limited funding available for Phase E of the SCaN Testbed Project, There is a possibility that: Level 1 requirements may not be met. Context: Per PPBE-14, the SCaN Testbed budget is limited during FY , and is zeroed out in FY16 and beyond. The ability to fund new experiments and complete the Software Development as identified in the SW Requirements Specification, is significantly constrained. This may result in the deferral of many experiments' completion until late 2014 and 2015, deferral or elimination of Priority 2 and Priority 3 SW requirements, and deferral or delay of the SW Code Optimization tasks that were planned to increase the CPU margin available to experimenters. If the SCaN Testbed is decommissioned in 2015, it is possible some Level 1 requirements may not be met. Mitigate 1.Release NASA Research Announcement (NRA) to attract experiments that do not require SCaN Program funding, by 6/30/12. 2.Assess Level 1 impacts given current software funding and experiment funding. Present as part of the ORR briefing packages, by 6/5/12. 3.Prioritize remaining software development to maximize capability using Level 1 impact assessment, by 6/30/12. 4.Develop PPBE-15 request to SCaN Program to support more robust utilization of SCaN Testbed, by 3/31/13. 5.Seek non-SCaN Program funding via pursuit of other NASA sponsors, such as OCT, for internal experiment development, by 6/30/13. STATUS: PPBE-14 budget cycle activities and decisions during March-April 2012 have established a minimum set of requirements for viable implementation in FY13. Significant work has been invested in the planning and formulation of a NRA (formerly known as Announcement of Opportunity) to be released in June 2012 to attract non-SCaN Program sponsored use of the SCaN Testbed. ORR and KDP-E briefing packages to address software status and include PI assessment. ORR scheduled for June 2012, and KDP-E to occur shortly thereafter. RISK FOCUS Risk Score: 4 L x 5 C Timeframe: Near Term Risk Category: Technical Owner: Diane Malarik SCAN Testbed Risks Underfunded Operations and Experiments Phase HIGH 21 STATUS AS OF: 5/31/12

RankRisk IDRisk StatementApproach & PlanComments 22 SCAN-123Experimenter Software Interface Given the: software interface between avionics software and experimenter software on the avionics is in development, There is a possibility that: experiment software will be difficult to integrate with the PAS. Context: Experimenters are expected to provide software applications to run on the avionics. The first planned software is the baseline IPv4 networking experiment. Mitigate 1.Reduce initial functionality by only implementing the portions needed for baseline networking. (completed 9/30/11) 2.Implement software capability for initial networking experiment. (completed 9/30/11) 3.Defer testing/verification of baseline networking from Flight System, pre-ship to GIU, post-ship. (completed 4/27/12) 4.Decompose requirements that describe standard experimenter software interface capabilities, by 6/30/12. 5.Implement software interface capabilities in post- ship version of PAS software on-orbit with experimenter interfaces, by 12/31/12. STATUS: After the Flight System has shipped, testing on GIU has been completed and has verified required kernel capabilities are sufficient. Determined further requirements decomposition is necessary to appropriately implement experimenter interface capabilities. RISK FOCUS Risk Score: 3 L x 4 C Timeframe: Near-term Risk Category: Cost, Schedule Owner: Steve Hall SCAN Testbed Risks Experimenter Software Interface MED 22 STATUS AS OF: 5/31/12

RankRisk IDRisk StatementApproach & PlanComments 33 SCAN-136Loss of Experienced Software Personnel Given the: loss of several SW engineers that have left GRC, There is a possibility that: on-orbit troubleshooting will be inefficient. Context: Several SW engineers have left the project, and several have left GRC. The SW personnel still at GRC but redeployed to other projects will be tasked with troubleshooting if required, however the ones that have left GRC are not available at all. Mitigate 1.Reassess and reassign responsibilities for existing software code to remaining software team, by 6/15/12. STATUS: Re-prioritization of work is underway with remaining team member skills and scheduled deliverables in preparation for Phase E. RISK FOCUS Risk Score: 2 L x 3 C Timeframe: Near Term Risk Category: Cost, Schedule Owner: Denise Varga SCAN Testbed Risks Loss of Experienced Software Personnel Low 23 STATUS AS OF: 5/31/12

RankRisk IDRisk StatementApproach & PlanComments 44 SCAN-137Express Logistics Carrier (ELC) High Rate Data Line (HRDL) Repair Given the: ELC HRDLs do not function, There is a possibility that: the HRDL repair will not be completed prior to SCaN Testbed Checkout & Commissioning. Context: The ELC HRDL jumper cable is scheduled for launch on HTV-3 and on-orbit installation and checkout is planned for shortly thereafter. Mitigate 1.Request that ISS schedule HRDL repair prior to SCaN Testbed installation on ELC- 3. (completed 3/30/12) 2.In coordination with ISS, verify HRDL functions during Checkout and Commissioning, by 9/15/12. STATUS: Healthy project-ISS relationship has enabled quick, mutual acceptable resolution via IVA jumper cable approach. HRDL cable development by ISS on schedule to meet HTV3 launch. RISK FOCUS Risk Score: 1 L x 4 C Timeframe: Far Risk Category: Cost, Schedule Owner: Steven Sinacore SCAN Testbed Risks Express Logistics Carrier (ELC) High Rate Data Link (HRDL) Repair STATUS AS OF: 5/31/12 Low 24
