Closing Notes TERENA Networking Conference Malaga, June Miroslav MIlinović TERENA VP Conferences
Slide 2 TNC 2009, 8-11 June, Malaga, Spain ›Organised by TERENA ›Hosted by UMA and RedIRIS ›Support provided by Unicongress/Atlanta
Slide 3 Some statistics... ›485 participants ›streaming: ›max number of simultaneous users: 195 ›average: 90 ›total unique users (Unique client IPs) : 1,088 ›WLAN / eduroam stats: ›max. of 301 simultaneous WLAN connections ›max. of 145 simultaneous eduroamers ›total of 9326 successful authentications (590 in the buses)
Slide 4 Virtuality into Reality ›105 speakers in 4 plenaries and 32 sessions ›number of side meetings, workshops, BoFs, demonstrations... ›Topics include: ›Virtual Technologies ›Support Infrastructure ›Virtual People ›Users and Applications ›Implications ›...
Slide 5 Ode to TNC 2009 (by Jim Buddin) ›So now ends another TNC You’ve met some friends (and enemies!) You’ve seen paths of light and global warming, Virtual people and brute force storming, ›Online surgeons and Cloud computing Fish on sticks and tubs with fruit in Flamenco dancing, oh what a show, Is there anything left you still don’t know? ›Disaster plans and a few more plusses There was even Wifi on the buses, ID Systems and collaboration, Evangelists of the Federation. ›You’ve seen all this, and plenty more You’ve all been sat here listening for Four days long and several nights, Now go and put the world to rights!
Slide 6 Programme Committee 2009 Chair Andrew CormackJANET(UK)United Kingdom Members Hansruedi Born SWITCHSwitzerland Jacqueline BrownPacific Northwest USA Gigapop Serge DrozSWITCHSwitzerland Victoriano GiraltUMASpain Baiba Ka š kinaSigmaNetLatvia Andr á s Kov á csNIIF/HUNGARNETHungary Melanie PankhurstDANTE Jürgen RauschenbachDFNGermany Ligia RibieroEUNISPortugal Esther RoblesRedIRISSpain P é ter Szegedi TERENA
Slide 7 Thanks to... ›Speakers and session chairs ›Plenary speakers ›Jorge Cortell ›Bill St. Arnoud ›Paul Watson ›William Johnston ›Stefan Rahmstorf ›Simone Brunozzi ›and to you, the conference participants
Slide 8 Thanks to.... ›UMA Victoriano Giralt Vicente Giles (networking design and administration) Juan Llamas (networking design and administration) Manuel Perez (network wiring) Javier Ramirez and the whole team from CTI (Audio Visuals) Rafael Navarro (maintenance) Yolanda Garcia Calvente (Dean of Law School) Cristina Pastor (Law School personnel) ›RedIRIS Maribel Cosin (networking design and administration) Jose Manuel Macias (networking design and administration) Enrique de Andrés (network support) José María Fontanillo (Multimedia) Cristina Lorenzo Fernandez (PR) ›PUBLIC TRANSPORT Manuel Berlanga (EMT) ›LOCAL SUPPORT Sofia Torres (Unicongress / Atlanta) ›CATERING Cristina Martinez (Lepanto) ›TERENA Laura Durnford Gyöngyi Horváth Bert van Pinxtereen... and other members of TERENA staff
Slide 9
Slide May - 3 June 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania TERENA Networking Conference 2010
Slide 11 Programme Committee 2010 Chair Jean-Paul Le GuignerCRUFrance Members Bartosz BelterPSNCPoland Jacqueline BrownPacific Northwest USA Gigapop Serge Droz SWITCH-CERT Switzerland Baiba Kaškina IMCS UL, SigmaNet Latvia András Kovács NIIF / HUNGARNET Hungary Otto KreiterDANTE Jan MeijerUNINETT Norway Jürgen Rauschenbach DFN Germany Brook SchofieldTERENA Raimundas TuminauskasLitnetLithuania Stefan WinterRestena Luxemburg
Slide May - 3 June 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania TERENA Networking Conference 2010