California English Language Development Test (CELDT)


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California English Language Development Test (CELDT) 2008-2009 Administration Training Local District 6 English Learner Staff

Objectives Attain high standard of examiner reliability through practice of calibration exercises Review the legal requirements and purposes of CELDT Prepare for logistics prior to and during test administration Share best practices around security, preparation and administration CELDT Training 2008-2009

2008-2009 CELDT Training Video CELDT Training 2008-2009

Objective 1 Attain high standard of examiner reliability through practice of calibration exercises

Group Practice Speech Functions Choose and Give Reasons 4-Picture Narrative Video Training Sample - Chelsea CELDT Training 2008-2009

Binder Page: 4-4 In your packet CELDT Training 2008-2009

Speech Functions Procedures Binder Page: 2-25 CELDT Training 2008-2009

Speech Functions Audio Group Practice CELDT Training 2008-2009

Binder Page: 4-16 In your packet CELDT Training 2008-2009

Choose & Give Reasons Procedures Binder Page: 2-25 CELDT Training 2008-2009

Choose & Give Reasons Audio Group Practice CELDT Training 2008-2009

Binder Page: 4-31 In your packet CELDT Training 2008-2009

Binder Page: 4-32 In your packet CELDT Training 2008-2009

4 Picture Narrative Procedures Binder Page: 2-25 CELDT Training 2008-2009

4-Picture Narrative Audio Group Practice CELDT Training 2008-2009

Group Practice Video Chelsea Kinder CELDT Training 2008-2009

Review the legal requirements and purposes of CELDT Objective 2 Review the legal requirements and purposes of CELDT

CELDT Legal Mandates Test students who have a home language other than English within 30 calendar days after the first date of enrollment in a California public school to identify potential English learners Determine the level of English language performance of pupils who are limited English proficient from July 1-October 31 for annual assessment purposes California Education Code, Section 313 CCR, Title 5, Section 11511 CELDT Training 2008-2009

Initial Identification Administration CELDT Training 2008-2009

Home Language Survey Newly enrolled students in grades K-12 are to be assessed with the CELDT if: • the response to any of the first three questions on the HLS is a language other than English OR • ALL the conditions listed below are true: 1. Response to each of the first three questions on the HLS is English 2. Response to question number four is other than English 3. There is reasonable doubt as to the student’s proficiency in English CELDT Training 2008-2009

Reasonable Doubt Parents need interpreters Reasonable doubt is defined as “evidence of significant non-English background” including, but not limited to, the following indicators: Parents need interpreters Parents use L1 to speak with student Student initiates interaction with parents in L1 Babysitters only use L1 After 30 days in Mainstream placement student lack comprehension of instruction or routines CELDT Training 2008-2009

Student has access to a language other than English at home Home Language Survey Student has access to a language other than English at home Only English spoken at home Student classified as EO (English Only) Initial CELDT administered CELDT overall score of 1, 2, o 3 CELDT overall score of 4 or 5 Student classified as LEP (Limited English Proficient) Student classified as IFEP (Initial Fluent English Proficient) Student progresses through 5 ELD levels as outlined in Master Plan Student classified as RFEP (Reclassified Fluent English Proficient) Student meets reclassification criteria CELDT Training 2008-2009

INITIAL CELDT Results from Other Districts New enrollees with CELDT results from other California public school districts should not be tested again for INITIAL identification. CELDT Testing Coordinators should contact the previous school to determine if the transferring students have been assessed with the 2007-2008 CELDT. CELDT Training 2008-2009

eTIP Student Score Sheet (available 7/1/08) All Initial Assessments MUST be scored with the eTIP File Unofficial CELDT results in the student’s blue Master Plan folder until official scores are received CELDT Training 2008-2009

◘ Parent notification letters are for initial assessments only ◘ This year parents will receive two letters: 1) immediately after testing 2) when the official scores come in CELDT Training 2008-2009

Annual Assessment Administration CELDT Training 2008-2009

Annual Assessment English Learners assessed: Retained kindergartners and students in grade 1 in listening and speaking Students in grades 2-12 in listening, speaking, reading, and writing CELDT Training 2008-2009

Reclassification Criteria Chart Grades 1-2 Attachment A REF-1848.4 May 2007 CELDT Training 2008-2009

Reclassification Criteria Chart Grades 3-5 Attachment B REF-1848.4 May 2007 CELDT Training 2008-2009

Initial and Annual Assessments CELDT Training 2008-2009

2008-2009 CELDT Training 2008-2009

Skill Areas to be Tested Kindergarten & 1st 2nd – 12th Listening Speaking Reading Writing California Education Code Section 60810 CELDT Training 2008-2009

Overall Proficiency Level Tables K-2 Beginning (1) Early Intermediate (2) (3) Advanced (4) (5) Kinder 180-356 357-406 407-455 456-504 505-600 Grade 1 Grade 2 215-396 397-446 447-495 496-539 540-635 3-5 Beginning (1) Early Intermediate (2) (3) Advanced (4) (5) Grade 3 230-414 415-459 460-513 514-556 557-700 Grade 4 230-432 433-472 473-530 531-574 575-700 Grade 5 230-437 438-482 483-538 539-586 587-700 CELDT Training 2008-2009

Administration Instructions Student Testing & Assessment publishes CELDT Administration Instructions Source: LAUSD → Offices →Student Testing & Assessment → 08-09 Administration Instructions CELDT Training 2008-2009

Let’s Review Objective #2 Receive Review the legal requirements and purposes of CELDT Review Clarify Question CELDT Training 2008-2009

Prepare for logistics prior to and during test administration Objective 3 Prepare for logistics prior to and during test administration

2008-2009 CELDT Coordinator’s Checklist LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT District 6 Coordinator’s Checklist for Administering the 2008 – 2009 California English Language Development Test (CELDT) In Preparation for Initial and Annual CELDT Testing:  Attend District 6 EL Program Staff CELDT Training  Read the CELDT 2008-2009 Administration Instructions thoroughly  Inventory materials, order more if necessary using Attachment ___  Train certificated teachers and have them sign Security Affidavit (Attachment ___) Only trained, qualified staff members that hold a teaching credential may administer the CELDT. Paraprofessionals may proctor.  Identify all students that will be taking the Initial and Annual CELDT using the following rosters: Master Plan Roster Screen 14, Option 15 CELDT Coding Roster Screen 7, Option 6 Got CELDT Roster Screen 30, Option 1 (lists students needing Initial CELDT) CELDT Training 2008-2009 In your packet

CELDT Training 2008-2009 In your packet

MEM-3711 “Updating SIS to Prepare for CELDT, 2007-2008 Edition” page 1 BARCODE LABELS Annual barcode labels will be provided to schools in preparation for the CELDT test for grades 1-12. Initial Identification barcode labels will also be provided for pre-enrolled kindergarten students and new students in grades 1-12. If a barcode label is not available for a student, the school must hand-bubble all required demographic information on the answer document using the “CELDT Coding Roster” MEM-3711 “Updating SIS to Prepare for CELDT, 2007-2008 Edition” page 1 CELDT Training 2008-2009

Updating SIS – MEM 4262 CELDT Training 2008-2009

Delivery of Barcode Labels CELDT Training 2008-2009

Elementary CELDT Coding Roster Elementary SIS Screen 7, Option 6, Option 2 Secondary Program NT42 All information Filled In CELDT Training 2008-2009

Elementary CELDT Coding Roster Elementary SIS Screen 7, Option 6, Option 2 Information Missing CELDT Training 2008-2009

Barcode Labels The following information MUST be completed for all test booklets, including those with Barcode Labels: Box 1 Student name Box 2 Teacher’s name, school and district Box B Braille used, if applicable Box V Test version Box 10 Test purpose Box 12 Date testing completed Box 18 Testing irregularities Box 22 Test variations CELDT Training 2008-2009

What to Hand Bubble CELDT Training 2008-2009

What to Hand Bubble CELDT Training 2008-2009

“Got-CELDT Roster” Screen 30, Option 1 CELDT Training 2008-2009

“Master Plan Roster” Screen 14, Option 15

Testing Schedule NO time limits have been set for any section of the test CELDT Training 2008-2009

Prepare for the Test CELDT Training 2008-2009

Students with Severe Disabilities Attempt to administer all sections of the CELDT…record all student responses, even “no response,” on the test booklet or scannable answer books. Box 22 “Testing Variations” should be completed and “Alternative Assessment” should be bubbled and the COM should be used. The demographic pages on the CELDT book or answer document must be completed and returned as a scorable document. CELDT Training 2008-2009

Scoring Initial CELDT eTIP is found at: (available 7/1/08) All Initial CELDT tests must first be scored locally by trained qualified certificated staff members to obtain information to use for program placement. The application cannot save any results, so be sure to print each student score sheet File unofficial CELDT results in the student’s blue Master Plan folder until official scores are received CTB will no longer accept test booklets that have been scored using a RED pen.   CELDT Training 2008-2009

Scoring Initial CELDT See Table 19 in the Scoring Guide, pg. 36 “Items to Omit When Calculating Raw Scores” CELDT Training 2008-2009

Scoring of Initial CELDT Score and enter “unofficial” Initial CELDT results on SIS Screen 5 (classification, test, and date) before taking the scannable test and answer books to the Testing Center for official scoring. CELDT Training 2008-2009

P/LAS For Kindergarten students with English P/LAS test information on Screen 5, fields 91 and 151: Type over “P/LAS” with “CELDT” in field 91 Type over previous test date with the current year’s date in field 151 CELDT Training 2008-2009

Inputting Info Into SIS Field 91 “CELDT” (type over P/LAS) CELDT 7-12-07 Field 151 “CELDT Test Date” LEP Field 162 “Language Classification” EI Field 164 “Program Assignment” CELDT Training 2008-2009

Placement of “OFFICIAL” CELDT Test Result Labels

Initial Label Initial Label has to be placed in each student’s “Cumulative Record Card” CELDT Training 2008-2009

Initial LABELS Place label in Section 4, “Oral English Proficiency Test Label” Section Place Label Here CELDT Training 2008-2009

Labels (Cont.) Initial CELDT Primary Language Label Assessment Label CELDT Training 2008-2009

Annual Label 1st Grade 2nd Grade Each English Learner continues to receive the Annual CELDT until he or she Reclassifies CELDT Training 2008-2009

Let’s Review Objective 3 Receive Prepare for logistics prior to and during test administration Review Clarify Question CELDT Training 2008-2009

Share best practices around security, preparation, and administration Objective 4 Share best practices around security, preparation, and administration

What is the bigger picture? Treat CELDT in similar fashion to CST (testing environment, letters to parents, bell schedules, attendance incentives) Our students take the test as seriously as we do Focus not just on preparing for this test, but building academic vocabulary through targeted ELD and content-based ELD Quality instruction is the best preparation for any test CELDT Training 2008-2009

Source: CDE, Guidelines on Academic Preparation for State Assessments, April 2004 CELDT Training 2008-2009

CELDT Training 2008-2009 In your packet

Park Avenue Elementary School CELDT Preparation Activities Name: _________________________ Date: _________________________ Teacher: _______________________ Day Seven You have 4 pictures that tell a story. Look at all of the pictures and tell a story to your elbow partner. After finishing the story orally write down your story using many details. In your packet CELDT Training 2008-2009

Writing Sentences 2nd-12th taking pictures of boot subject or predicate missing 1 The kid and his mom ar woching the berg and the bogt. simple subject & simple predicate vocabulary is vague 2 The boy is taking a picksher av new york. vocabulary lacks complexity 3 The mom and the boy are looking at the boat. subject and predicate have some syntactical complexity, no spelling errors CELDT Training 2008-2009

Test Security CELDT is a highly secure test, therefore materials must be kept secure at all times. Anyone who has access to the test materials must sign a security affidavit to assure the security of the test. Only credentialed staff can administer the CELDT after having been trained Paraprofessionals may only proctor CELDT Training 2008-2009

Thank You! Ruth Navarro 323. 588.8296 Claudia Bermúdez 323.278.3980 Aida Coronado De Leon 323.560.1445 Sharon Guzmán 323.585.8237 CELDT Training 2008-2009