Overview of the LEMMA VLE Jon Rasbash, 2008 Centre for Multilevel Modelling
2 LEMMA Training Capacity building in the analysis of data with complex structure – Ultimate goal is to move learners to “take-off”, i.e. conducting and publishing multilevel analyses Different modes of delivery – Face-to-face workshops – Training the trainers – Web-based materials in a virtual learning environment
3 Lessons Learnt from Face-to-Face Workshops Learners need motivation and time – Best motivated are those with data and research questions that can be addressed through multilevel modelling Learners often do not possess prerequisites for multilevel modelling In practical sessions, learners tend to focus on mechanics of using software rather than interpretation
4 Basic Principles of the LEMMA VLE Accessible to anyone with basic statistics training Modules to have 2 integrated components: concepts and practical Facility for learner’s self-evaluation (quizzes) Collect data to evaluate materials and inform future training initiatives Design materials so they can be easily modified by other trainers
5 Concepts vs Practical Concepts – pages, split into lessons – Illustrative examples from mix of disciplines – Draw links between fitted model equations, graphs of predictions and verbal interpretation – No reference to software – Expect other trainers to use with little change Practical – Each Concepts lesson followed by exercises in MLwiN – Thorough analysis and interpretation of one dataset – Trainers can rewrite for other datasets and software
6 Current Modules 1. Using quantitative data in research 2. Introduction to quantitative data analysis 3. Multiple regression (single-level) 4. Multilevel structures and classifications 5. Introduction to multilevel modelling
7 Future Materials Applications linked to core modules – (e.g. school league tables, segregation in schools) Further practicals (different software and datasets) Materials on the quantitative research process Additional methods-based modules on more advanced techniques
8 Thanks to … Authors – named in each module Sacha Brostoff Hilary Browne Chris Charlton Sophie Pollard
Demonstration of the LEMMA VLE Sacha Brostoff, 2008 Centre for Multilevel Modelling
10 Overview of demonstration How to find the course FAQs Requirements Types of Material
11 Where to find the course Links throughout the CMM web site – On the CMM homepage – Link from CMM Learning and Training page Direct link –
12 Before you get to the materials: Course homepage & FAQs Next to the login button there are FAQs – Extensive notes about what’s in the course – Who the course is for – When to use it, etc.
13 Requirements Administrative – Users register Create a profile – Users have to login Usage is tracked for research purposes Data is anonymised Technical – Web browser – Working account – Flash player
14 Types of material Contents page – Grouped by module Introduction / prerequisites / video Two linked ‘documents’ – Concepts, e.g. Lecture notes – Practicals, e.g. MLwiN instructions With data files – Separate PDFs – Interleaved webpage versions Quizzes
15 Supplementary materials Glossary Vote: how does your data compare? Discussion forum
16 New Users
17 Summary Research project as well as a resource 5 modules so far Two linked ‘documents’ – Concepts – Practicals Quizzes Striking a balance between paper and on-screen Supplementary materials – glossaries and votes