Sylvia Navarro Enriquez EDTC ST R Chart Analysis J. W. Caceres Elementary
“A Teacher Tool for Planning and Self-Assessing aligned with the Long-Range Plan for Technology, ” (Texas STaR Chart, 2010) What is STaR Chart?
What is STaR Chart for teachers?
STaR Chart Key Areas
Teaching and Learning (Focus Areas TL1 through TL6) These “Focus Areas” are concerned with how, where, and how often technology is used by teachers and students in the study of foundation subjects as well as grade-appropriate technology application TEKS.
TL1: Patterns of Classroom Use 223 TL2: Frequency/Design of Instructional Setting Using Digital Content 222 TL3: Content Area Connections 323 TL4: Technology Application/TEKS Implementation 222 TL5: Student Mastery of Technology Applications TEKS 222 TL6: Online Learning 222 TOTAL:
Educator Preparation and Development (Focus Areas EP1 through EP6) The Focus Areas in this section are concerned with staff development progress being made by teachers. There are also Focus Areas that evaluate the content and method of delivery of staff development.
EP1: Content of Professional Development 222 EP2: Models of Professional Development 222 EP3: Capabilities of Educators 222 EP4: Access to Professional Development 223 EP5: Levels of Understanding and Patterns of Use 222 EP6: Professional Development for Online Learning 222 TOTAL: 12 13
Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support (Focus Areas L1 through L6) This portion of the STaR Chart covers aspects of the technology plan for your campus, how instructional support is administered and delivered, and the financial aspects of budgeting for hardware, software, and professional development.
L1: Leadership and Vision 333 L2: Planning 223 L3: Instructional Support 222 L4: Communication and Collaboration 233 L5: Budget 223 L6: Leadership and Support for Online Learning 333 TOTAL:
Infrastructure for Technology (Focus Areas INF1 through INF6) Hardware, network, Internet, and distance learning resources are evaluated in this final section.
INF1: Students per Computers222 INF2: Internet Access Connectivity/Speed333 INF3: Other Classroom Technology222 INF4: Technical Support222 INF5: LAN/WAN222 INF6: Distance Learning Capacity222 TOTAL:13