11 RDA & CJK Materials Workshop Session five—Training resources Prepared by Charlene Chou
22 Agenda RDA & CJK Materials workshop wiki RDA Toolkit LC/PCC/JSC training documents Comparison between AACR2 & RDA Special topics Training document from several institutes Trainers’ tips for RDA cataloging
33 RDA & CJK Materials workshop wiki RDA & CJK Materials workshop wiki Workshop outlines and schedules Q & A: both general and CJK-specific questions RDA rules, training/presentation slides and webinars Examples: CJK bibliographic records by formats/media types with OCLC#/LCCN & authority records with LCCN LCRI vs. LCPS The training slides of this workshop
44 RDA Toolkit RDA toolkit RDA Toolkit—a guided tour by Troy Linker (Feb. 8 and 9, 2010)RDA Toolkit—a guided tour by Troy Linker (Feb. 8 and 9, 2010) RDA Toolkit Blog Carlton, Tim. Library of Congress training for RDA, Resource description & access : using the RDA toolkit.Library of Congress training for RDA, Resource description & access : using the RDA toolkit Hideyuki Morimoto. RDA toolkit handout
55 LC training materials LC RDA main page a section called Documentation with helpful resources including Core Elements for LCLC RDA main page –RDA Bibliographic Record ChecklistRDA Bibliographic Record Checklist Training modules from Refresher Training sessions held in Oct. 2011, along with links to Supplementary documents (R-1 through R-7) and exercises and examplesTraining modules from Refresher Training sessions Training modules on special topics from sessions given in Dec. 2011, including art catalogs, compilations, conferences and revised editionsTraining modules on special topics
6 LC training materials Library of Congress: its Long-Range RDA Training PlanLibrary of Congress: its Long-Range RDA Training Plan –Sessions will be filmed and mounted on the web, etc.; all training materials to be mounted on the web Georgia Public Library Cataloging Summit (August 2011)Georgia Public Library Cataloging Summit (August 2011) –Introduction (FRBR), RDA modules, RDA supplementary documents, exercises and answer sheets 6
7 LC RDA website
88 Policies & documents from LC, PCC, JSC & OCLC RDA and the PCC –RDA implementation information, RDA/PCC Task Groups, PCC RDA interim practices and decisions needed before implementation, etc. JSC for the Development of RDA Working Documents (includes examples)JSC for the Development of RDA Working Documents OCLC policy statement on RDA Cataloging in WorldCat for the U.S. testing period and beyondOCLC policy statement on RDA Cataloging in WorldCat for the U.S. testing period and beyond Authority record--MARC 21 encoding to accommodate new RDA elements 046 and 3xx in NARs and SARsMARC 21 encoding to accommodate new RDA elements 046 and 3xx in NARs and SARs
99 Comparison between AACR2 & RDA Changes from AACR2 to RDA (Adam Schiff)Changes from AACR2 to RDA RDA Changes for AACR2 for Texts (Barbara Tillett) RDA Changes for AACR2 for Texts RDA in depth: differences between RDA and AACR2 (Robert Maxwell)RDA in depth: differences between RDA and AACR2 AACR2 to RDA for Audiovisual catalogers (BYU--Audiovisual cataloging)AACR2 to RDA for Audiovisual catalogers RDA and Serials Catalogers: Will our work really change? (Steve Shadle--Serials)RDA and Serials Catalogers: Will our work really change?
10 Special topics How the Current Draft of RDA Addresses the Cataloging of Reproductions, Facsimiles, and Microforms (Steven A. Knowlton; LRTS, 53(3))How the Current Draft of RDA Addresses the Cataloging of Reproductions, Facsimiles, and Microforms
11 Training documents University of Chicago documentation and examplesUniversity of Chicago documentation and examples NCSU RDA documentation & training materialsNCSU RDA documentation & training materials RDA Documentation (Cornell)RDA Documentation RDA Questions and Answers (Stanford)RDA Questions and Answers
12 LC account for questions concerning RDA or RDA records
13 Trainers’ tips from Erminia, Hideyuki, Jai- Hsya & Charlene
14 Trainer’s tips Erminia : –utilize the function of RDA Toolkit in OCLC - it is very useful and a good start to find explanation for a particular field. –if there isn't a rule to cover something or you can't tell what RDA thinks it's saying, just do whatever makes sense and move on (documenting it if it's something you think you'll encounter again) and don't worry about being "wrong," nobody's going to slap our wrists. Hideyuki: –One should catalog by the rule and not by example. There are questionable RDA records, just as there are many questionable AACR2 records, none of which should be followed. As such, the most up-to-date rules should be studied and followed. This is constant with AACR2 or RDA or otherwise.
15 Trainers’ tips Jai-Hsya: –When I encounter uncertainty while cataloging I checked these 3 documents. They includes rules, resources information and MARC record examples. jsc.org/docs/6JSC_RDA_Complete_Examples_%28Bib liographic%29_revised.pdf jsc.org/docs/6JSC_RDA_Complete_Examples_%28Aut hority%29_Revised.pdf jsc.org/docs/6JSC_RDA_Complete_Examples_ALA_Re p_addendum.pdf jsc.org/docs/6JSC_RDA_Complete_Examples_%28Bib liographic%29_revised.pdf jsc.org/docs/6JSC_RDA_Complete_Examples_%28Aut hority%29_Revised.pdf jsc.org/docs/6JSC_RDA_Complete_Examples_ALA_Re p_addendum.pdf –If still in doubt, I checked rules in toolkit either through direct access or through Connexion. Still unsolved, I ask questions to an experienced RDA Cataloger especially those who can cite rules. Charlene: –Learn by doing, but get familiar with rules while doing –Be open-minded when RDA/LCPS is still evolving
16 Thank you! trainers if any question! Erminia Chao Charlene Chou Deng, Shi" Hideyuki Morimoto Jai-Hsya Tsao