Using DIBELS and IDEL when reading instruction is in Spanish Naomi Hupert, Simon Shulman Education Development Center Liza Rael New Mexico Public Education Department
Comparison of IDEL and DIBELS data As part of our work evaluating the New Mexico Reading First program, we looked at DIBELS and IDEL scores from Sept 2005 to April 2006 to see if students receiving some or all of reading instruction in Spanish were achieving similar results to those receiving instruction in English We found that students receiving core reading instruction in Spanish, and taking the IDEL, showed greater gains than those receiving instruction in English and taking the DIBELS.
Comparison of IDEL and DIBELS data At the time, there were no Benchmark scores for IDEL, so we compared DIBELS Benchmark recommendations with IDEL low risk, some risk, high risk designations We only compared first through third graders, because fewer subtests comprise those overall Benchmark scores
Statewide IDEL and DIBELS Data: First Grade
Statewide IDEL and DIBELS Data: Second Grade
Statewide IDEL and DIBELS Data: Third Grade
Interesting Finding The three schools identified as most successful in five different categories that demonstrate improved student reading as measured by DIBELS all provide dual language programs for students.
Site Visits to Dual Language Classrooms We conducted observations in three dual language classrooms in two schools Conducted interviews with three dual language teachers, two reading coaches and two principals in schools with dual language programs
Recommendations Based on Site Visits Focus on Oral Language Development Use many of the instructional strategies proven effective with English readers Use supplementary materials to augment core program Emphasize parent involvement Provide dual language-specific professional development Recruit Spanish speaking resource teachers
Thank you For more information about this presentation please contact: Naomi Hupert Simon Shulman