BDI Training
Agenda General Information about BDI Administering the BDI Scoring the BDI Watch BDI on 2 year old – score protocol
Who can administer the BDI? “Test User Qualification” Refers to combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, training and experience. 1. Individuals with sufficient training (assumed to have college-level training in stats and a thorough understanding in purpose of test and child development. 2. Individuals who interpret and report results of psychological tests.
What areas does BDI test? Five domains/sub domains in each area 1. Adaptive 2. Personal-Social 3. Communication 4. Motor 5. Cognitive
Age Birth to 7 years 11 months __________________________________ Time 1 hour for children younger than 2 90 minutes for 2-5 year olds
Administering the BDI
Starting Point Start at the child’s chronological age (unless you feel the child will have more success at a younger age.) Starting point is indicated on the brackets in each domain Never begin with an item higher in difficulty than the starting point indicates.
Starting Point You can start in any domain but once you start in an area you should finish before moving to the next domain. You should administer the test items in order.
Three Administration Procedures 1. Structure 2. Observation 3. Interview
Structure Specific instruction text that is to be read to the child is located in Item test book Example Procedure Structured. Make two lines on the floor 10 feet apart and out of reach of supporting objects. Stand behind the first line and say, “Watch how I hop to the line.” Demonstrate hopping on one foot. Then say, “Try to hop on only one foot to here. ” (point to the second line.)
Structure Examiner should follow the exact wording in the Item Test Books. Deviation from the exact wording could prompt and make the test question invalid. However, some minor deviation from the exact wording is expected. For example, the “Point to,” “Touch,” or “Show me” instructions may be interchanged. Time limitations should not modified and the number of trials for a child to complete a task, following the method and order of presenting the materials to the child.
Observation Conducted in Natural Environment Done over a few weeks’ time to ensure valid conclusions. This procedure should only be done when examiner has extended contact with child. If limited contact with a child, it is best to use the interview procedure.
Interview Parent or caregiver is asked to report on behaviors that the examiner could not easily see or elicit. Examiner should carefully read and follow the specific instructions found in each item. Examiner should read the text provided in bold on each test item. Yes/No answers are not sufficient. Parents must provide examples.
Interview Example GM 11 (The child turns from a prone to supine position unassisted.) Examiner: “Does Dante ever roll from his stomach to his back?” Parent: “Yes, he has been doing that for about 2 weeks now.” Examiner: “Does he need assistance to do this?” Parent: “No, not anymore.” Examiner: “Describe how Dante rolls from his stomach to his back.” Parent: “Well, usually he sees a toy or something that he wants just past his reach, so he sort of pushes himself to the side with his elbows, and once his upper body has turned, then his legs just follow.” Examiner: “ Does he roll over fairly smoothly?” Parent: “Yes”
Interview The examiner determines whether all the information needed to assign an accurate score on an item has been obtained. If not the examiner should continue to ask more questions.
Administering Procedure If more than one procedure is used, try the first procedure listed and then move to additional procedures if needed.
Scoring When to give a 2,1,0 *Each test item clearly indicates when to give 2,1,0
Basal Child scores 2 on three consecutive items. ___________________________________ Ceiling Child scores 0 on three consecutive items.
Example of Basal/Ceiling
Scoring Scoring the BDI 1.Caculate the child’s Chronological age. Remember you must indicate the Month, Day, Year of test date. 2.Count the number of 2’s and multiply by 2. Count the number of 1’s and multiply by 1 and to get total in area of domain. 3.Transfer the total to the front of the BDI Summary Profile
What kind of scores does the test yield? 1.Percentile 2.Standard Score 3.Age Equivalent 4.Developmental Quotient
Video Clip Kenzie DOB: 9/ /07 Date of Assessment: 10/26/09