Web-based Tools for Designing and Developing Teaching Materials for Integration of Information Technology into Instruction Professor :陳朝鈞 教授 Speaker :邱志銘 Reference : Kuo-En Chang, Yao-Ting Sung, and Huei-Tse Hou, "Web-based Tools for Designing and Developing Teaching Materials for Integration of Information Technology into Instruction," in the IEEE Educational Technology & Society, Vol 9/4, pp , 2006
Outline Introduction System outline Experiment Results Conclusions 2
Introduction Educational software for teachers is an important, yet usually ignored, link for integrating information technology into classroom instruction. Studies reveal that teachers are often especially interested in such technology, but because of a lack of confidence, are intimidated by it. It is the goal of this study to develop a web-based environment that allows teachers to implement their instructional procedures, for example by developing teaching plans, preparing course materials, and managing teaching activities in an efficient and effective way. 3
System The system is divided into four stages: analysis, design, development, and practice. The portal page URL of the system is 4
System Analysis stage ▫ Learners characteristics analysis Students basic information analyzer and manager Students score manager ▫ Teaching material analysis Notepad Multimedia resource bank Web browser URL collector URL browser recorder URL resource bank 5
System Design stage ▫ Developing course outline Weekly course scheduler Syllabus builder ▫ Developing unit and lesson plans Unit plan builder Lesson plan builder 6
System Development stage ▫ Preparing teaching materials and Web pages such as online handouts, assignments, learning worksheets, demos, references, supplementary information, test questions, and slides for classroom use Course page editor and manager Personal webpage editor Learning worksheet editor Slide editor Test editor & manager 7
System Practice stage ▫ Carrying out class teaching activities Daily course bulletin ▫ Online evaluation & communication Online synchronous communicator Online asynchronous communicator Online assignment evaluator 8
Experiment Participants ▫ Eight history teachers from three junior high schools in Taipei participated in this study. ▫ They had a basic understanding of computer operations such as word processing and surfing the Internet, but had no experience in the use of web-based applications for the design or development of teaching materials. 9
Experiment Research design ▫ Experimental group & Control group Tools and materials ▫ Course Content Material ▫ Scale for evaluating instructional materials ▫ Questionnaire for interview 10
Experiment Procedures ▫ Experimental group (1) Giving instructions and background interview (2) Planning, data searching, and preparing worksheet (3) Developing teaching materials as Web pages ▫ Control group (1) Giving instructions and background interview (2) Planning, data search, and preparation for worksheet 11
Results 12
Results Adequacy, width and depth of supplementary materials ▫ The supplementary material gathered from the Web by the experimental group was of higher quality than that gathered by the control group. ▫ The teachers in the experimental group appear to provide deeper and broader supplementary materials, teaching plans, learning worksheets, and instructional Web pages. 13
Results Adequacy and usability of teaching plans and worksheets ▫ The learning worksheets developed by the experimental group are more useful than those developed by the control group. 14
Results Coordination, coherence, and creativity among teaching plans and materials ▫ Experimental group shows greater coordination between the supplementary information collected, activity plans, learning worksheets, and Web pages developed using the system. ▫ Experimental group demonstrated more creativity than the control group when given the same amount of preparation time and teaching content. 15
Results Analysis of interview content (Experimental group ) ▫ Experimental group showed satisfaction with the friendly environment provided by the proposed system, and agreed that the web editor and notepad are easy to use, thereby saving time during Web search. ▫ URL databank helpful and convenient to their online search effort. ▫ The system helps them compare different units. 16
Results Analysis of interview content (Control group) ▫ The four teachers in the control group admitted during their interviews that searching the Web for teaching resources is no easy task. ▫ Cited is that the search engines available often return many links that are totally irrelevant to what is needed. ▫ Teachers in this group also agreed that computer technology can provide a complement to conventional written texts because it allows concurrent display of text and graphics. 17
Conclusions Developed a web-based teaching material design and development system and tested its effectiveness in helping in-service teachers develop their teaching plans and materials. Experimental group materials were more creative and diverse, and the overall plans and materials were more coordinated and better structured. 18