Protection Cluster 4W Matrix A Self-Help Guide
4W Who does What Where When 4W The 4W Matrix is formally known as the “Activity Tracking Matrix” The 4W Matrix is universally agreed to be one of the most important tools for coordination. Knowing which organization (WHO) are carrying out which activities (WHAT) in which locations (WHERE) and (WHEN) is essential if organizations and activities are to be coordinated in a way that ensures that humanitarian needs are met.
WHO Name of organization undertaking the activity WHAT Type of activity (eg. Cluster/Sector and Sub Sector) WHERE Location where is the activity taking place WHEN The time frame of the activity, how many days, weeks, months or years will the activity run for.
Why the 4W Matrix The 4W Matrix has many benefits for achieving a coordinated humanitarian response. It tracks the humanitarian response in detail letting you know, which activities are happening, where they are happening, when they are happening and who is doing them. This gives implementing partners an overview of the humanitarian response which exists on the ground. It also presents information at various levels from operational to the strategic. The 4W Matrix is very useful in identifying gaps and duplications in the response programmes. Making sure there aren’t too many of the same activities And making sure enough varied activities are going on. It is very user friendly and allows organisations to generate customized reports. It is also a useful tool for reflecting on activities which have been done. You can reflect on the lessons learned and Make the necessary changes and improvements for the coming year.
Sections 1 to 7 Reporting Date: Date the 4W matrix is updated Donor: Where did the funds originate from? select from drop down list Funding Agency: Which agency gave you your funding? The drop down list will give you a list of options to select from. Implementing Partner/s: Agency directly implementing activities on the ground. Working Group/Sector of Activity: Select from drop down list Activity Description: What kind of activities are you running? select from drop down list Location: Region: select from drop down list District: select from drop down list, dependent on previous choice Village: select from drop down list, dependent on previous choice Location / IDP Settlement (GPS Coordinates if known) : select from drop down list
Sections 1 to 7
Beneficiaries Description: select from drop down list e.g returnees Direct Beneficiaries (target) Male: whole numbers only, if available Female: whole numbers only, if available Under 18: whole numbers only, if available Over 18: whole numbers only, if available Status; completed, ongoing, planned, suspended, relocated Start Date: planned or actual start date of project End Date: planned or actual end date of project Contact Person: Name, and telephone of the contact person Remarks Sections 8 to 15
Verification of Information New settlements due to population movements Different names for same locations (use the names in the drop down list)Challenges
E.g. drop down list
Beneficiaries’ reporting is crucial. Most of the indicators are on the number of people receiving services. Number of beneficiaries: Individuals NOT households. The number of individuals receiving assistance is among the most important information. New entry for each implementing partner. Enable macros: Sometimes when you try to access the 4W spreadsheet, it may ask you to ‘enable macros’ so that you can see at the top of the worksheet. You should select the ‘enable macros’ icon in order to see the full spreadsheet. Like this If the drop down list is not visible in the data entry form, copy the blank line (the line with drop down list) and paste it on the lines that you need. If the exact location is not in the drop down list, please select the nearby location. However, indicate in the “Remarks” column the name of the location. Please fill in all the cells in the matrix; don’t leave any cell blank. If you think that the information does not suit type it into the “Remarks” column. For activities reported in the previous quarter, update the following data: start/end dates, status, total beneficiaries reached, reporting period, date of latest information.Note
The remarks column can be used for any additional information which does not fit in the rest of the spread sheet e.g. Exact names of locations not found in the drop-down.
Please report the activities of May 2011 onwards. Please do not report if the project/ activity is yet to be implemented unless funds have been allocated and or secured. Please fill all the cells in the matrix; do not leave any cell blank. For activities previously reported, update the following data: Reporting date; start & end status, total beneficiaries reached and any other necessary data. For activities not previously reported, add new entries below the existing data. Please do not use the insert rows function, because the formulas in the spreadsheet will not appear in the new rows. If you need to add new rows, do so at the bottom of the current data, or copy and paste existing row(s). DO NOT MAKE CHANGES TO THE SETTINGS; If you delete/ manipulate by chance and the sheet’s features stop working, please, inform the cluster so that we can send you another matrix. Note