Standards-Based Elementary Report Card
Purpose To measure student performance against both state and local standards in each curricular area To highlight both strengths and weaknesses and support identification of areas of reinforcement and growth
New Report Card Features Consistency Data Teams Multiple Data Points Clarity GPS Curriculum State/Nationa l Standards
Consistency + Clarity = Challenge RTI Data Teams Multiple Data Points Clarity GPS Curriculum State/Nationa l Standards Consistency
Data Teams Multiple Data Points Clarity GPS Curriculum State/Nation al Standards How will we know if a student has achieved the standard?
In a standards based reporting system, teachers will use a variety of assessment practices. Formative assessments Benchmark assessments Summative assessments
Balanced Assessment System Formative Benchmark Summative Daily Ongoing Evaluation Strategies Periodic Diagnostic/Progress Assessments Large-Scale Standardized Assessments Immediate Feedback Multiple Data Points Across Time Annual Snapshot Student-Centered Classroom/School-Centered School /District/State-Centered 7
Collaboration Consistency Data Teams Multiple Data Points Clarity GPS Curriculum State/Nationa l Standards
Working Together “Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success.” Author Unknown
New Report Card Features Five-point grading rationale 1=Below, 3=On grade level, 5=Above Each marking period has clearly defined expectations for each grade level that support the state and local standards Expectations increase each marking period (e.g. a “3” in March requires more of a student than a “3” in December) Example: For High Frequency word recognition in first grade a “3” is: FallWinter 40/50 64/80
Example: While standards are consistent across grade levels, objectives change Math Standard 1: Number Sense and Operations Kindergarten Objectives for Number Sense and Operations Perform rote counting to 100 Understand concepts of first and last Identify and construct sets of objects from 0-20 Count backwards from 10 Count by 10s to 100… Grade 1 Objectives for Number Sense and Operations Count on by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s past 100 Read, write and model whole numbers up to 1,000 (1st MP to 50) Identify and name pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters Estimate the number of objects in a set using benchmark numbers…
Parent Handbooks Parent Handbooks define for parents the grade level expectations under each standard Parent Handbooks are available online to families Print copies will be made available at each school for those families that require them Parent Handbooks have been translated into both Spanish and Japanese
State/National Standards Consistency Data Teams Multiple Data Points Clarity GPS Curriculum State/Nationa l Standards
Specific Program Information Consistency Data Teams Multiple Data Points Clarity GPS Curriculum State/Nationa l Standards
Specific Program Details ALP, ELL and SPED – all students will be graded based on the work done in the classroom whether modified up or down. SPED/ELL – In the Teacher Comments area an explanatory statement will be included for the subjects in which modified curriculum was implemented. Newcomer ELLs and a few other students who are predominantly serviced by ELL teachers for Language Arts will receive the bright orange report card for Language Arts and oral language grades.
Specific Program Details Grade 2 ALP - NO Insert. Grades for these students will be a collaboration between the classroom teacher and the ALP teacher based on the Grade 2 standards on the report card. Grade 3-5 Language Arts/Reading for ALP – the last 2 standards on the report card are collaboratively graded. Interdisciplinary Science –There will be the same insert used last year. The Science section of the report card will be blank.
Vision of the Graduate: Committed to preparing students to function effectively in an interdependent global community.