My Future By: Gregorey Lancaster
My College- Florida State University After getting accepted, I’ve decided to go to Florida State University, one of the best schools in the state. With in-state tuition being so cheap, I couldn’t afford not to go.
Major- Software Engineering With the computer age rising in important within every minute, Software Engineers are needed now more than ever, and are becoming increasingly more so. Instead of waiting fro the next biggest thing to come out, why not design it?
How High School has prepared me Throughout my several years in high school, I’ve taken many Design and programming classes. Each of these classes has helped me in different ways of accomplishing my goal. Through Web Design, Image Manipulation, and programs like Photoshop, I’ve learned more about how computers work, and how I can use them to my advantage.
Minor- Physics Physics has always been very interesting to me, and minoring in physics or another math would allow me to easily transition between Engineering jobs, if I so choose software isn’t my forte.
Benefits of Software Engineering? As stated earlier, Software Engineers are needed now, and are increasingly becoming more and more needed. Being able to design software will allow me to improve/replace obsolete or slow software by myself.
Price Range and Value A starting Software Engineer with a Bachelor’s Degree makes $62,000 starting Salary With a master’s degree, this raises to about $100,000.
After I get my Degree? Once I get my Bachelor’s Degree, I will start my worklife. I will not quit school, however, I will no longer be a full-time student. I will continue working until I get my Master’s Degree in Software Engineering
How long will it take? To get my Bachelor’s Degree, it will take 4 years at FSU. Getting a Master’s Degree will most likely take about 6 years.
Sources: Wikipedia Google Images