TNS Proposal – Confidential 1 REACH Realizing Educational and Career Hopes University of Iowa The University of Iowa REACH Program is conceived as a two year, post- secondary certificate program located on the campus of the University of Iowa. Total of 50 students-25 per class. Education focuses on academic skill building, career preparation, life skills, socialization, and career placement following graduation. The program relies upon evidence based practices and includes instruction in classrooms, in residence halls, and at job sites.
TNS Proposal – Confidential 2 Students live in a residence hall located on the University of Iowa campus, and receive support from specially trained residence assistants. A fully inclusive collegiate environment provides students with age appropriate community opportunities and interactions with other university students. Residence
TNS Proposal – Confidential 3 Students served by the program will typically: be between the ages of 18-25; have identified learning problems that have significantly interfered with school performance throughout his/her academic career generally, students will have been involved in some form of special education resource programming have sufficient skills to adjust to all aspects of the University based program Evaluation Challenge develop an “alternate” or universally designed "ability to benefit" test that creates access to PSE for students with disabilities---this does not currently exist Students
TNS Proposal – Confidential 4 All Departments in the College of Education have professional graduate students and undergraduates involved in the Program and will be supported by assistantships in teaching and/or research. National need focuses on training and educational practices in post-secondary settings for students with learning disabilities. The advancement of inclusive post secondary research in education and teaching of college students with multiple learning disabilities is a continuing goal within the University of Iowa College of Education.
TNS Proposal – Confidential 5 Career Outcomes Most importantly enhanced career outcomes for students with multiple learning disabilities will be a continuing reality for Iowa students who will be successfully pursuing their careers and their life ambitions following the completion of the REACH program. Research and Practice Outcomes The advancement of inclusive post secondary research in education and teaching of college students with multiple learning disabilities will be a continuing goal within the University of Iowa College of Education. This research and practice will have long reaching impact on inclusive educational practices in Iowa and the nation. Teacher Resource Outcomes A growing cadre of trained teachers and graduate professionals in post secondary education for college students with multiple learning disabilities will be available to Iowa and the nation. Fall of 2008