When Work Works: A Workplace Flexibility Initiative Lisa Horn ▪ February 24,2012 Regional Council Summit February 24 – 25, 2012 Grapevine, TX
When Work Works #workflex
Effective and Flexible Workplaces Deliver Business Results Attract talent Employee loyalty Employee engagement Customer satisfaction Customer retention Customer service levels Continuity/disaster readiness Productivity Profitability Employee health and wellness Absenteeism Turnover Real estate costs Utilities Expenses Healthcare costs Source: Life Meets Work Inc.
When Work Works Overview Share research and employer best practices Recognize exemplary employers through the Sloan Award for Excellence in Workplace Effectiveness and Flexibility Inspire positive change so more organizations understand the benefits of workplace flexibility
When Work Works: 2012 Community Partners 5 Statewide initiatives: Arizona · Georgia · Michigan · New Hampshire · Oregon New Hampshire Twin Cities, MN Salt Lake City, UT Rochester, MN Morris County, NJ Milwaukee, WI Michigan Long Island, NY Louisville, KY Houston Durham, NC Dayton, OH Chicago, IL Boise, ID Aurora/Denver, CO Winona, MN Arizona Georgia Richmond, VA Providence, RI Oregon Williamson County Spokane, WA
When Work Works Community Partners 1.Build community support 2.Educate employers about the benefits of workplace flexibility 3.Promote the Sloan Awards and recognize best practice organizations Three primary responsibilities:
2012 When Work Works Goals 1.Conduct workplace flexibility educational programming in 15 target states 2.Facilitate collaboration between current community partners and SHRM State Councils / Chapters 3.Encourage State Councils / Chapters to serve as When Work Works community partners 4.Increase the number of Sloan Award applicants
Support Opportunities Include a link to on your affiliate websitewww.whenworkworks.org Notify members when the Sloan application process is open via electronic newsletter or communication Encourage members to apply for a Sloan Award via a podium announcement at monthly meetings Host a joint educational program with the community partner to attract potential new members Host a joint recognition event for Sloan Award recipients with the community partner or explore incorporating a recognition celebration in your state conference or monthly chapter meeting
1.Lead community effort on key business issue that generates significant media interest 2.Offer strategic educational programming for HR professionals on a critical people issue 3.Support SHRM strategic priority while increasing State Council / Chapter visibility on a timely HR issue 4.Satisfy one focus area requirement under SHAPE state-focused or community-based initiatives Diversity and Inclusion Workforce Readiness Self-defined area other than the two listed above State Council / Chapter Benefits
California Idaho Nevada Alaska Oklahoma Arizona Missouri Michigan Minnesota North Dakota New York Pennsylvania Maine Florida West Virginia New Hampshire 2012 When Work Works Target States Need to identify programming opportunity
Indiana Nebraska South Dakota New Jersey Connecticut Delaware North Carolina Alabama Tennessee Louisiana Colorado Kansas Washington Hawaii Montana 2013 When Work Works Target States
SHRM Workplace Flexibility Resource Page
Available on VLRC and whenworkworks.org
Contact Information Lisa K. Horn Senior Gov’t Relations Advisor Co-Leader, SHRM’s Workplace Flexibility Initiative Duke Street Alexandria, VA