Health and Wellness
USDHHS Healthy People Goals 2010 To increase quality and years of healthy life Promote healthy behaviors Promote healthy and safe communities To eliminate health disparities Improve systems for personal and public health Prevent and reduce diseases and disorders
Health is: ”a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (WHO, 1947)
Models of Health and Illness Health-illness continuum Health belief model Health promotion model Basic human needs model Holistic health model
Variables Influencing Beliefs & Practices: INTERNAL: Developmental stage Intellectual background Concept of functioning Emotional factors Spiritual factors EXTERNAL: Family practices Socioeconomic influence Cultural background Accessibility to care
Levels of Preventive Care Primary Prevention Precedes disease; aimed at health promotion Secondary Prevention Directed at early diagnosis and intervention Tertiary Prevention Goal is minimizing effects of disease or disability
Health Promotion Methods: Exercise regularly Put it in perspective Get in touch with yourself Relaxation Time Management Communication Prayer & Meditation
USA citizens’ approach to health:
Leading causes of death: 1 st : Heart disease 2 nd : Cancer 3 rd : Stroke 4 th : Respiratory disease 5 th : Accidents 6 th : Diabetes
USA Health Risks: Obesity
USA Health Risks: Diabetes
USA Health Risks: Cancer: Breast; Prostate; Lung; Colon; etc.
USA Health Risks: Asthma/COPD
USA Health Risks: Heart disease Hypertension Stroke
Violence: homicide, battering, auto accidents