Concept and Objectives SINPHONIE Project kick-off meeting November, REC Conference Center, Szentendre Hungary Eduardo de Oliveira Fernandes IDMEC-FEUP
Context DG SANCO Strategy Plan on IAQ ( ) EC Buildings Platform on “Safe, Healthy, Energy Efficient and Sustainable Buildings in the EU” – DG SANCO, DG ENTR, DG TREN, DG ENV coordinated by JRC-Ispra (EnVIE approach) Parma Declaration on Environment and Health (May 2010) EC and some MS consistent preparatory work on IAQ R&D, policy making, good practice promotion and management tools preparation (testing, labeling, strategies,…) Action Plan Action 12 concerns the improvement of IAQ
Parma Declaration on Env. & Health Commitment to Act (...) Regional Priority Goal 3: Preventing disease through improved outdoor and indoor air quality i.(...) We will continue and enhance our efforts to decrease the incidence of acute and chronic respiratory diseases through reduction of exposure to ultrafine particles and other particulate matter, especially from industry, transport and domestic combustion, as well as ground-level ozone, in line with WHO’s air quality guidelines. (...) (May 2010)
Commitment to Act (...) Regional Priority Goal 3: Preventing disease through improved outdoor and indoor air quality ii.We will develop appropriate cross-sectoral policies and regulations capable of making a strategic difference in order to reduce indoor pollution (...) iii.We aim to provide each child with a healthy indoor environment in child care facilities, kindergartens, schools and public recreational settings, implementing WHO’s indoor air quality guidelines (...) Parma Declaration on Env. & Health
Concept To value all previous information available on the field. This will require an in depth “background” scrutiny made by experienced scientists following somehow the ENVIE pragmatic approach (WP2) To undertake a wide spectrum of field studies in response to the specifications of the call (WP3, WP4), respectively in the physical/chemical and biological aspects and on the health effects. To cross analyse the results of the field studies while integrating the WP2 contributions. A special attention will be paid to existing database in order to consolidate the results of previous studies and measurement campaigns (WP5).
To undertake a comprehensive risk assessment of what is at the core of the problematic of IAQ in schools today (WP6). To come up with a set of proposals regarding policies and guidelines that shall reflect wise and well balanced measures that will become the best expression of the current knowledge to be transferred into practice (WP7). To assure the adequate dissemination through timely actions, during the project. Since the very beginning involving the school actors (students, teachers, personal and parents) in a pro-active attitude toward a better IAQ in the irrespective schools and hopefully, by extension, at home (WP8). Concept
Background Study Field studies and lab analysis of E&H effects Health Risk assessment Guidelines/recommendations for improving IAQ within schools Outdoor environments (traffic and climate changes Health effects related to indoor air Indoor environments Database on IAQ Monitoring & assessment Flow Chart
Schools are unique. Why? Children and teachers spend many hours inside schools School children represent a special susceptible group Indoor environments are generally worse than outdoors Evidence of health problems Asthma is the leading chronic disease causing school absenteeism - 14 million missed school days per year - Children who aren’t in school can’t learn - Interrupted or un-restful sleep Poor IAQ can reduce a person’s ability to perform specific mental tasks requiring concentration, calculation or memory.
Complex Research on Health, Environment-Transport & Climate Change Main Objectives Main Purpose of the “call” To fill the knowledge gap concerning IAQ in schools and childcare settings. - To produce guidelines on remedial measures in school environment to cover a wider array of situations in Europe; and - To disseminate these guidelines to relevant stakeholders able to take actions. Main objectives
Work Plan
SINPHONIE Project kick-off meeting November, REC Conference Center, Szentendre Hungary Eduardo de Oliveira Fernandes IDMEC-FEUP