Employing young people The business case
The challenge Workforce supply (insert turnover figure) An ageing workforce, with young people under- represented (insert age profile/retirement figures) A diverse workforce will better match changing patient needs (insert age profile of workforce in comparison to local working community)
The challenge Discussion point What are the existing attitudes to employing young people within our organisation?
1.Unique talents 2.Corporate social responsibility 3.A more diverse workforce 4.Cost effectiveness 5.Shape our future workforce 5 reasons to employ young people
Unique talents Unique talents and new ways of working 1 Generation Y and Z are fast learners, flexible and adaptable – shape skills to specific roles How can we move away from recruitment that focuses on previous employment and work experience? 1. CIPD Learning to Work 2012 survey and Mind the Gap reportLearning to Work 2012Mind the Gap
Corporate social responsibility Employing young people from our local community can help improve public health outcomes for our area Employing young people can help to ensure care is inclusive and patient-centred Working closely with community can result in higher levels of employee loyalty and engagement
A more diverse workforce Can help deliver a more inclusive service Allow us to build a workforce representative of our community New ways of thinking can help us meet future challenges Studies show a link between diversity and financial performance 2 2. McKinsey and Company Diversity MattersDiversity Matters
Cost effectiveness Long-term investment in development and training can result in employee loyalty and a skilled workforce 3 Cost of training apprenticeships is recouped within two years 4 Funding incentives for apprentices are available 3. UKCES reportUKCES report 4. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills studyDepartment for Business, Innovation and Skills study
Shape our future workforce Prevent workforce supply shortages in the future 5 Grow our own – in house training can ensure right skills and knowledge Tackle the issue of ageing workforce 5. UKCES sector insights reportUKCES sector insights report
What are other organisations doing? Brightside’s NHS online mentoring project podcastNHS online mentoring project Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust work experience case study work experience case study Health Education England Widening Participation directoryWidening Participation directory
Next steps Insert your plans/proposals here Include potential challenges and solutions
Useful resources NHS Employers recruiting young people Q&A documentNHS Employers recruiting young people Q&A document Employing young people infographic NHS Employers work experience web pages Health Education England’s Talent for Care and Widening Participation programmesTalent for CareWidening Participation