Hopkins Elementary Sight Word Project Yanira Alfonso, Ed.S. Yanira Alfonso, Ed.S. ELL Language Specialist & Project Coordinator Contact Information: Websites: Mrs. Alfonso's ELL Resource Website Mrs. Alfonso's ELL Resource Website Mrs. Alfonso's ELL Resource Website khttp:// k= kor Go to: “Class Websites” on the Hopkins Elementary Website September, 2007 September, 2007
Words Ms. Lyn Jones, Ed. M Ms. Lyn Jones, Ed. M Ms. Barbara Matas, Ed. S. ELL Language Teachers Voice: Vernay Gilliard
leave When will the bus leave?
everything everything Wow! I want to buy everything!
game game This game is fun to play!
system system My dad has a great computer system.
bring bring My little brother likes to bring his lunch to school.
leave When will the bus leave?
everything everything Wow! I want to buy everything!
game game This game is fun to play!
system system My dad has a great computer system.
bring bring My little brother likes to bring his lunch to school.
everything everything
game game
system system
bring bring