Earth Observation and Disaster Monitoring Working Group Summary Co-Chairs: Chris Elvidge and Hiromichi Fukui July 7, 2004
At Cairns APAN Conference Digital Globe and 3D Geobrowser Workshop July 3-4. Next 3D Geobrowser Workshop in USA sometime next year. Keio U. and UMd may collaborate on web mapping. Joint workshop with eScience committee “Advances in Image Archives, Access and Services” July 6. Committee meeting on July 6.
NGDC progress in downloading NASA’s GeoCover for year 2000 as of June 28, 2004
Issues and action items MAFF and Keio U. have expressed interest in having copies of NASA’s GeoCover data. GISTDA have expressed Interest in establishing regional collections. Permission needs to be granted from NASA. Data could be provided by NGDC on LTO tapes (or DVD for regional sets?). MAFF has expressed interest in obtaining global NPP and NPOESS data in near real time from NOAA. Others?
Proposals for Bangkok January 24-28, 2005 Asia Pacific Disaster Warning and Response – Two 90 minute sessions? United Nations World Conference on Disaster Reduction in Kobe, Japan January 18-22, 2005 (Chris & Pakorn w/ Fukui and Mie U.). Web map service workshop (90 minute session) (Pakorn). Digital Asia Network Workshop (90 minute session) (Fukui). GISTDA facilities tour (morning). GEO Initiative Update (NOAA). Committee Meeting.
Bangkok Letters of Invitation (Elvidge) GISTDANECTECJAXA UN – BKK AIT Universities (many) CRISPMACRESPDCOthers…..