The Fourth Beast Daniel 7:15-28
Review Daniel had a vision of four human empires –Babylonian – Lion with eagle’s wings –Medo-Persian – Bear –Greek – 4-headed Leopard –Roman – the beast of Dan 7:7-8 During this fourth empire God, the Ancient of Days, would set up a kingdom ruled by the Son of Man who is also God Daniel wants to know more
Seeking more information Dan 7:15-18 –Daniel is grieved in his spirit and troubled by the visions he saw –Asks for the truth (certainty) of the visions –The angel confirms the certainty Explains the four beasts as kings/kingdoms Explains the final kingdom, God’s kingdom, as one which would belong to the saints forever –This should be good news –Same outcome as prophesied in Dan 2:44
The fourth beast Dan 7:19-20 –What is bothering Daniel isn’t the outcome, but the description of the fourth beast Exceedingly dreadful (devours, tramples, and breaks the whole earth) Ten horns on its head The little horn –Before which three horns fell –Which had eyes and a mouth speaking pompous words –Whose appearance was greater than his fellows
A more detailed vision Dan 7:21-22 –The little horn making war against the saints, prevailing against them –Until the Ancient of Days came With judgment in favor of the saints of the Most High And it was time for the saints to possess the kingdom But what does it mean?
The interpretation Dan 7:23 –The beast represents a fourth kingdom – Rome It will be different than other kingdoms –Roman laws, government, and armies were different than any of the preceding kingdoms It will devour, trample, and break the whole earth –Rome conquered –“earth” means “land or ground” »Not the globe
The interpretation Dan 7:24 –10 horns = 10 kings –Little horn is the eleventh king who knocks down 3 preceding kings A lot of fanciful interpretations are made about these kings –But the simplest is probably the best »After all, God is trying to explain the vision, not complicate it
The interpretation Therefore, the Roman empire would have 10 kings, then an eleventh king who removes 3 predecessors –The only complication would be to know from what point in Roman history to begin numbering the kings Could start from when Rome conquers the land of Israel (63 BC – the first triumvirate) Could start from either the first practical emperor (Julius Caesar) or acknowledged emperor (Augustus Caesar) Or could count backward from the emperor who killed 3 predecessors in what is called “the year of four emperors” (AD 68-69)
The interpretation 11- Vespasian (AD 69-79) – the little horn 10- Vitellius (AD 69) ] 9- Otho (AD 69) ]- the three fallen horns 8- Galba (AD 68-69) ] 7- Nero Caesar (AD 54-68) 6- Claudius Caesar (AD 41-54) 5- Caligula Caesar (AD 37-41) 4- Tiberius Caesar (AD 14-37) 3- Augustus Caesar (30 BC – AD 14) 2- Marcus Antonius (2 nd triumvirate) (44-30 BC) 1- Julius Caesar (1 st triumvirate) (66-44 BC)
The little horn Not like the preceding horns –Vespasian was a Flavius, not a Caesar (though he took Caesar as a title) Dan 7:25 –He shall speak pompous words against the Most High –He shall persecute the saints of the Most High –He shall intend to change times and law –Into whose hands the saints shall be given for a time, times and half a time
The little horn Vespasian –Led the army against the Jews in AD 66 –The army (under his son Titus) eventually sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the temple –Jewish War actually lasted 7+ years Killed hundreds of thousands of Jews including many Christians who did not heed the warning of Lk 21:20-24 –Declared himself to be the Jewish Messiah, as well as various prophesied demigods from many nations and religions Ordered Titus’ army to hunt down and kill all descendants of David –Rewrote large sections of Roman law –Claimed he was becoming a god
The eternal kingdom Dan 7:26-28 –Although Vespasian (and the Roman empire) thought he was triumphing over God In reality God’s kingdom triumphed over the empire The vision returns to the same scene already noted (Dan 7:13-14) –God’s court seated –The dominion of earthly empires judged and condemned –The kingdom belongs to the saints, led by the Son of Man who rides upon the clouds
Conclusion Daniel had been granted an extraordinary vision of a time more than 500 years in the future –A time when the kingdom of God and the Roman empire would come into conflict But God and His kingdom would triumph His kingdom continues even now –Won’t you become part of God’s kingdom?