Welcome to 4th Grade! Mrs. Olive- Mrs. Oliff Mrs. Olliff-yes
Daily Schedule Mrs. Olliff’s Schedule * subject to change* 7:15-7:55Morning work and announcements 7:55- 9:30Reading/ Language Arts/ Snack 9:30—10:50Math 10:50-11:15Break 11:15-11:55Specials 12:05-12:35Lunch 12:40-1:00Silent Reading, Success Maker, Finish up work 1:00-1:50Science/ Social Studies 1:50-2:00Write in Agendas and pack up 2:00-2:05Afternoon announcements 2:05-2:25Dismiss to ASP/Car Rider; 1st Load; 2nd Load
Communication Agendas: Communication Log Communication Log Homework Assignments Homework Assignments Upcoming Events Upcoming Events Please sign each night Please sign each night Newsletters Sent electronically Sent electronically Thursday Folders Contain graded papers as well as papers from the office Contain graded papers as well as papers from the office Please keep these papers unless they are to be corrected and returned. Please keep these papers unless they are to be corrected and returned. Please sign and return the next day Please sign and return the next day
Webpages 2.ga.us/mountainrd-es/ 2.ga.us/mountainrd-es/ 2.ga.us/mountainrd-es/ Click faculty and staff Find your teacher’s name You will find * Newsletter * Newsletter * Upcoming Events * Homework * Websites 4th grade standards can be found at: rade.aspx
Math Practice Multiplication facts - practice sites on your teacher’s website Speed test will be given throughout the year. We like Mr. Myers and Buzzy’s. It is very important for your child to know their multiplication facts. We will know their multiplication facts. We will be learning double digit multiplication, long division and will be using multiplication with fractions.
Reading BINGO Each student is required to read 5 books during the first quarter. Must fill one row on the sheet. Students can do more. BINGO sheet does NOT require students to read only AR books. If it is an AR book students may take the test and record their grade on the sheet. Students fill out book report forms for books that are not AR. BINGO sheets are due October 2 rd. Students will receive a new BINGO sheet each quarter.
Wordly Wise Lessons will begin on Tuesday and test will be the following Tuesday. The boys and girls will have vocabulary homework Tuesday-Thursday. Monday night ’s homework will be to study for the test on Tuesday. Always bring Wordly Wise workbook to school.
Poly-vinyl Folders Important papers are to be kept in the folders. There is a folder of each subject. Please do not take out any of the papers we ask the boys and girls to keep in their folders.
4th Grade Projects Subject to change Weather Project Time Capsule Various Research Projects Various Reading Projects
Homework About Homework: Just do it. Agendas are filled out daily with the day’s homework and when we will have tests. Students are responsible for adding information to their own agendas. Students are responsible for completing homework and returning it to school.
Grades I will do my best to enter grades in a timely manner. Any graded papers that go home in the Thursday folder will be put in the grade book. Test grades are counted twice. Sometimes I give extra credit work. Extra credit work will be given to the whole class. You can decide if you want your child to complete the work. Bonus Points- Given occasionally for doing extra work on a paper. The quality of the work will determine how many bonus points are given. Usually its is between 1 and 5 points.
Dojo Points Students can earn individual or house points The houses are Ami ( friend), Forza (strength), and Wema (goodness). This is part of our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Essential 8 MModel active listening OOrganization is key to succeeding UUse good manners NNEVER give up – we all make mistakes! TTreat others as you would like to be treated AAlways walk appropriately IIn the classroom, be the best you can be – always try your hardest! NNo matter what – always be honest
Dojo How to earn and lose points Positive:Needs Work: AG –AgendaDR- Disrespect EL- Excellent Lunch BehaviorHB-Hallway Behavior ES- Excellent SubstituteNHW- No Homework HO-Helping OthersOFT- Off Task HWC-HomeworkVD- Visitor Disruption ONT-On TaskTOT- Talking Out of Turn Pt- ParticipatingUP-Unprepared PR- Persistence TW-Teamwork
Reading Children will not be reading a story from the reading textbook every week. Sometimes we do reading through Social Studies or Science This week we are doing reading through Social Studies. These grades will count twice once for reading and once for Social Studies.
PTA Please support your child by joining PTA PTA allows us to have many programs that enhance your child’s education.
Thank You for Coming I am looking forward to an exciting year! I am looking forward to an exciting year! Mrs. Olliff