This is my 19 th year teaching, and my 8 th year at Pleasant Valley. NBCT Teacher and Parent I am always willing to meet in person before or after school, especially by appointment (so you can be sure you’ll have my undivided attention). It is easiest to reach me via For important classroom information, visit our website: or our Facebook page: PV Room D4 *Permission for photography About Me!
The Top 10 Things You Need to Know About 4 th Grade!
New Common Core Standards are in full-effect Focus on depth instead of breadth, the 4Cs, and use of technology Spelling and Homework *No lists, except for words that need work on, Priority Words *reading logs *worksheets will be rare! *Review homework, but let them try it on their own. Responsibility and Ownership are Mandatory Change is scary…but it can be great! #10
Language Arts: Making the shift from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.” Writing: Narratives, Informational, and Persuasive Science Science standards focus on Energy, Waves, and Earth’s Systems Social Studies California History! Math…part 1 Working with numbers up to the hundred millions. Double digit multiplication and long division. Units of measurement, probability, and mathematical reasoning. Fractions, fractions, fractions! Focus on showing work, solving problems multiple ways, and being able to explain through words, writing, and models how answers are derived. Speaking of Standards…Let’s talk about curriculum! #9 A full list of standards can be found on our classroom website!
4 th grade teaches the basis of skills that will travel with students through middle school and beyond! Focus on studying and note-taking, goal-setting, tracking test scores, etc. Students take responsibility for due dates, announcements, etc. More students in the classroom means more responsibility/maturity from each child. If your child has a question, have them me! We are cursive only as of Oct. 1 st ! Expectations are high! #8
Students will keep all important papers in their binders. EVERYTHING IS IN THERE FOR YOU TO SEE!!! TEST SCORES! HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS! GOALS FOR THE MONTH! CHECK IT OFTEN! Set up a calm work station at home with everything your child may need: Please ensure your child has plenty of lined paper, pencils, and erasers. A computer with internet access and printing capabilities will come in handy! Organization is key! #7
Students who passed timed tests/Reflex in 3 rd grade but didn’t regularly practice over summer will need refreshing. Nightly practice will be an expected piece of homework. Counting on fingers or taking more than 3 seconds to answer a problem means the fact is not mastered. A math side note: 4 th grade math begins by expanding on basic skills (place value, addition, subtraction, etc.). This is because mid-year math (such as fractions, double-digit multiplication, etc.) needs all of these skills to be in place and done with ease…this does not mean that 4 th grade math is “too easy.” Students who gloss over basic skills often struggle later on. To be successful in math, multiplication facts MUST already be memorized! (This was a 3 rd grade standard.) #6
Did you solve it like this? How about like this? Who solved it like this? We focus on how to find an answer and why it is correct. Standard algorithms are shortcuts, and many who first learn the standard algorithm have difficulty going back and figuring out why the algorithm works. Therefore, please don’t skip ahead at home! We can’t rush straight to the shortcut! Speaking of math, the ways we teach many concepts have changed! Solve this problem: 78x46 #5
All major projects will be done IN CLASS!!! Ease with using technology academically is key! Students will work with a variety of groups and learners. Focus on being able to concentrate and be productive in a group setting. Less worksheet-based work! A warning about absences and even Independent Studies… We use 21 st Century Skills and Project- Based Learning! #4
Talk to your child daily about what we are currently studying. Always review items in the Friday Folder together Look out for s from me or newsletters from the class about classroom happenings. Your child’s notebooks/journals are important Check your child’s binder regularly. Fewer worksheets means less work coming home in Friday Folders and more time for family! #3
Drama is common in 4 th grade…don’t have your child wait until it’s spiraled out of control to have them talk to me. If you have an issue/question/concern, bring your child with you to discuss them with me. *Kindly Stop the drama before it starts! #2
For the best success of your child, we all must focus on the skills your child needs to be successful! At school and at home: If we take your child’s learning seriously, so will they. If we put work before play, so will they. If we stay positive, so will they. If we respect and follow school rules and procedures, so will they. If we hand over key responsibilities, they will rise to the occasion! We are a team! #1
Next steps: Make school a priority for your child, but don’t forget the value of family time!
Write a note to your child! Sign-in and check contact info Conference sign-ups Volunteer sign-ups Leave all questions on the provided index card Please return the parent survey as soon as possible. Thank you for coming!! Don’t forget!!