Coming Full Circle: AMI and Med Rec Across the Continuum Western Node Breakthrough Series Collaborative May 2007 – May 2008
Teams Continue to Enroll
Safer Healthcare Now! Western Node
Learnin g Session One Learnin g Session Two Learnin g Session Three Breakthrough Series Collaborative Planning & Pre-work Action Period OneAction Period Two Closing Congress & Distribute Findings A S P D A S P D A S P D Action Period Three Support Communities of Practice TeleconferencesMonthly Team Reports May 14/15, 2007 Saskatoon Sept 24/25, 2007 Victoria Feb 4/ Edmonton May 5/6, 2008 Winnipeg
Overall Collaborative Goals 95% of AMI and Med Rec teams (excluding Home Care Teams) will submit data to Safer Healthcare Now! Central Measurement Team 80% of registered teams will submit Monthly Reports to the Collaborative 70% of teams will achieve at least one goal as identified by the self assessment ratings
AMI Stream – Goals Admission Meds 90% of teams working on medications at admission will meet targets as specified in the Getting Started Kit (e.g., 95% of admitted patients will receive Aspirin within 24 hrs) Reperfusion Strategies 75% of teams working on reperfusion strategies will achieve targets as specified in the Getting Started Kit (e.g., 90% of STEMI patients will receive lytics within 30 minutes of ED door arrival) Discharge Meds 90% of teams working on medications at discharge will meet targets as specified in the Getting Started Kit (e.g., 95% of discharged patients will have an order of beta blockers at discharge) Smoking Cessation 90% of teams working on smoking cessation will meet targets as specified in the Getting started Kit ( e.g., 100% of eligible patients will get smoking cessation counseling during hospital stay)
Medication Reconciliation: Acute & Long-Term Care - Goals 80% of teams will reduce the # of undocumented intentional discrepancies by 75% from baseline 75% of teams will reduce the # of unintentional discrepancies by 75% from baseline
Home Care Stream – Learning Goals Explore the process of obtaining, updating and communicating a complete Best Possible Medication History (BPMH) Identify core processes to aid in the BPMH and identification of medication errors Develop a BPMH tool for the home care environment for SHN! Develop and test 2 measures which have relevance to monitoring the process and outcomes to prevent harm in the Home Care environment
Team Expectations –Secure sponsorship from Senior Leader –Perform “Enrollment Package” activities in preparation for Learning Session 1 –Enrollment in the Collaborative will also enroll you into SHN! –Commitment to data submission (Monthly Reports & Central Measurement Team) –Attendance at the Learning Sessions & Congress/Spread Session
Costs for the Teams – Approximate Figures Multidisciplinary team of 5-7 members (clinical experts, physician/champion, day to day leaders and system leaders) 0.2 FTE for a team leader to coordinate activities Data entry person (2 hrs a week) ~ $1000 per team member for each Learning Session (includes registration, accommodation and travel costs) team members should attend all Learning Sessions Approximately $10,000 per team to attend 3 Learning Sessions (May Congress/Spread Workshop not included)
Med Rec Faculty Faculty NameProvince Dr. Peter Norton, Co-ChairWest Fruzsina Pataky, Co-ChairBC Marg Colquhoun, Pharmacist, ISMPON Robin Ensom, PharmacistBC Yvette Penman, Home CareAB Sandra Leung, LTCAB Beatrice de Rocquigny, PharmacistMB Lila Ho-Takeda, LTCAB
AMI Faculty – still recruiting Faculty NameProvince Dr. James McMeekin, CardiologistAB Bernice Budz, RNBC Dr. Tom Ashton, CardiologistBC Mary Anne Waters, TobaccoBC Dr. Bruce Roe, InternistMB Lillian Hall, RNMB Dr. George Garbe, CardiologistSK Tanis Rollefstad, QI/AMIWest
Obtaining Senior Leader Commitment Build the case (how does this intervention fit with the organizational strategic direction and performance agreements) Keep Senior Leader involved (use data to communicate) Use the data to show potential benefits of your work Identify an advocate who has the ear of the Senior Leader
Next Steps Secure support from Senior Leader Enroll your team using the Call to Action Team Enrollment Form Register on-line ( for Learning Participate in the “Enrollment Calls” – schedule attached Prepare for Learning Session 1 (May 14 & 15 th, Saskatoon, SK)
Upcoming Calls Enrolment Package – Teleconference (Getting Started) ALL Teams April 17, 10 – 11 am MDT Participant code: Medication Reconciliation in Home Care April 23, am MDT Participant Code: Medication Reconciliation in Long-Term Care April 24, 10 – 11 am MDT Participant code: