Business Continuity Management For Project Managers
Epidemics 9-11 WTC disaster Terrorist Attacks -Dec 13 Indian Parliament Infiltration War threat Riots / Militancy Hacking / Virus Newer Threats - Newer Risks Uncertain Geo-political scenario Multiple Failure scenarios Changing face of threat...
Lost Revenue Direct Loss Compensatory Payments Lost Future Revenues Investment Loss Productivity Loss Number of Fully Burdened Employee impacted Damaged Reputation Customer, Suppliers, Partners, Banks, Financial Markets Credit Ratings Delayed Collections Billing Losses Missed Discounts Extra Expense Cost to Recover Overtime Expense Increased Fraud Risk Increased Error Rate Travel Expenses Temporary Employees Penalties Contractual Regulatory Legal Impact of Disaster on our Business
Disasters do happen !! ? Can we meet the expectations?
“ “ Business Continuity Management is the process of anticipating incidents which will affect critical functions and preparing the organization to prevent and respond to disasters in a planned and rehearsed manner.” What is Business Continuity Management ?
Prospects and Customers now require demonstrable Risk management practice Contractual Obligation High Availability requirements Transparency of operations Enhanced Customer confidence in offshoring Reduced Risk & Liability Need for BCM
Ensures faster recovery of services to the customer Quick resumption of business Constantly prepared to confront disaster Aimed at uninterrupted operations Integrated Enterprise-wide plan BCMS Business Continuity Management System
Failure Mode Effect Fire War Power Outage Explosion Computer Virus Strike Hacking Flood Telecommunication Failure Theft & Robbery Shortage of Critical Items Critical Server Breakdown Earthquake Prolonged absence of Essential Public services Cause Country Outage City Outage Site Outage Information Infrastructure Personnel Mahindra Satyam’s BCMS Model
BCMS provides seamless recovery of services through Effect Cause Failure Mode Partial Recovery DISASTER BUSINESS RESUMPTION PLAN CONTINGENCY PLAN DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN RISK MITIGATION PLAN Business Continuity Plans Complete service resumption Business as usual Emergency Response Physical recovery of hard/soft infrastructure Partial Recovery of critical services Operations from Alternate site Preventive actions and controls to mitigate risk Complete Recovery
Contingency Plans Site Outage City Outage Country Outage Critical services from alternate site in the same city Mahindra Satyam leverages its multi-location presence across the world to provide alternate sites for the critical projects. Critical services from alternate site in another city - Critical services from BC Singapore - Onsite/Offsite
Org Wide BCMS - A Distributed Approach Corporate Governance Business Units BCP Support Systems BCP BCMS
BC Forces Managing Director BC Forum Chief BC Planner Chief BC Officer BC Lead Group BC Leaders BCMS Organization Structure Trained and ready to execute BC Plans. To train all associates. Dedicated to recover their own primary or secondary functions as per recovery Plan Develops and maintains BCMS Plans. Short term focus. ‘get the job done’ attitude Leads the disaster management. Develop strategies and processes for BC. Approves BC plans Declares disaster Maintains a long term focus on events. Always available to make urgent executive decisions Minimize negative media portrayal while maximizing any advantages Top management commitment Plans BCMS as part of the strategic business planning. Ensures effectiveness of BCMS BC Forces Cross-functional Location specific
BC Plan I Recovery of Critical projects Site Outage and City Outage scenarios 24hr –72 hr recovery windows Shared infrastructure Project specific infrastructure at cost Site capacity up to 5% of primary site 15% capacity over 3 shifts, in a common operating environment BC Plan II, III – Customized BC Plans for enhanced SLAs at a cost. BC Plan Options Plan I Plan III Plan II Cost Service Level
Project Business Continuity Planning Assess BCP requirements Vs cost BC Plan Development Maintenance Identify Critical Projects Best Practice / Lessons learnt Risk Assessment Recovery SLAs & Options Implementation & Testing Project Acquisition Project Initiation Project Execution Project Planning Project Closure Responsibility : PM Facilitated by : BCL
ODC BC Planning Responsibility lies with BCL Planning at ODC level –E.g. 15 seater Alternate Site for a 100 strong ODC, critical applications will be as determined with the client at time of disaster FMEA conducted for comprehensive risk mitigation
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