Future trends in soil cadmium concentration under current cadmium fluxes to European agricultural soils Erik Smolders and Laetitia Six Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Mineral P fertilisers contain traces of Cd derived from rock P with different Cd:P ratios Nziguheba and Smolders, 2008
Where the story begins... Nauru
Soil Cd increases with cumulative application of P-fertilisers in experimental plots in Australia. The HCl soluble soil Cd increases from 0.03 to 0.06 mg kg-1 soil (Williams & David, 1974).
Archived soil samples illustrate rising soil Cd concentrations Archived soil samples illustrate rising soil Cd concentrations. Sources: soil Cd in Broadbalk, Rothamsted (1846 -1980) Jones et al., 1987
Natural stock of Cd in topsoil: 100-1000 g Cd/ha Annual Cd mass balances in European agricultural topsoils in g Cd/ha/year Rothamsted UK 1846-1980 Hutton and Symon, 1986 Moolenaar and Lexmond, 1998 Input P-fertiliser Atm. dep. Other 8 3 4 1 2 Output Crop offtake Leaching n.d. 0.6 1.6 Net balance 2-5 (measured) <8
2003: proposal for a Cd limit in EU mineral fertilisers based on mass balance calculations Predicted change in soil Cd in European agricultural soil after 100 years application of inorganic P fertilizers at different Cd levels. Means (● ) and 10th -90th percentile of different simulations Calculations in the CSTEE report (2002) a, right side, updated 2013
Measured deposition: factor 4 decrease over about 20 years Wet-only deposition collector approved by EMEP
P-fertilizer consumption in EU: factor 1.4 decrease over last 15 years
Soil acidity (pH) is main driver for the Cd leaching OH OCd+ OH OCd+ O O Ca + 4Cd2+ Cd + 3H+ +Ca2+ O O OH OCd+ More H+ (lower pH): reaction to the left=Cd more soluble Solid:liquid distribution of Cd in soil expressed in KD=Cdsoil/Cd soil solution (concentration ratio)
Pore water KD values of Cd in 151 European soils Degryse et al. 2009
Predicted change in soil Cd over 100 years in 540 potential European scenarios: soil pH is the main driver Average scenario: 15% depletion Six and Smolders, 2014
Key changes between the 2002 assessment and current assessment 2002 2012 factor change Input Atmospheric deposition (g/ha/y) 1.5 (0-3) 0.35 4-fold lower Fertiliser use (kg P2O5/ha/y) 1.6 0.80 2-fold lower Lime/manure/sludge (g Cd/ha/y) 0 0.15 marginal increase Output Average soil pH 6.5 5.8 2.3-fold increase Cd output KD model two models new model prediction of new in between that of two earlier models Change in soil Cd in 100y at average fertiliser Cd slight accumulation 15%depletion
Trends of wheat grain Cd in Sweden: from accumulation to depletion Kirchmann et al. 2009
Conclusion Cd input to European soils has decreased due to lower emissions and lower mineral P use Cd output from soil may be higher than initially estimated: average soil pH (CaCl2 0.01M) is 5.8 in arable soils Burden of fertiliser on foodchain Cd has reduced but political pressure on setting strict limits remains