MyRideNorthTexas (VTCLI Grant) August 17, 2015 Marion Denney, Dallas Area Rapid Transit Mobility Management Services 1
Direct Funding Partners Department of Transportation, 5309 & 5312 Unallocated funds Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Labor Other Partners Department of Defense Department of Health & Human Services Military and Veterans Service Organizations Federal Funding Partners 2
3 VTCLI Funding Distribution $63.6M for 119 project awards 37 States
Project Background $1.24 mill grant from FTA, TxDOT provided 20% local match; DART is leading this project in partnership with transportation providers, veterans organizations, non- profits, HHS agencies in 16 county NCT region, Establish a single reliable comprehensive web-based source of information for veterans & persons with disabilities in North Texas to access transportation resources ; Encourage dialogue and coordination among providers and planners; Contract duration of 3 years; Ongoing maintenance cost of $50,000 per year to support software going forward. 4
Project Goals Overriding Interest: – Encourage dialogue AND ACTION among providers and planners for coordination of services End-to-end trip planning ability across service areas and providers Determine how we can meet and coordinate service for unmet needs and particularly between service areas; Establish tools and online trip requests for providers Provide tools for riders including veterans, elderly & persons with disabilities in North Texas to access transportation Include others such as private or human service transportation, fare assistance and volunteer driver programs The tools will only work if transportation is available and coordinated 5
MyRideNorthTexas Schematic Indepen- dence Employ- ment Health Care FunFamilyEducation Consumer with Mobility Needs One Click/ No Wrong Door One Click/ No Wrong Door Funding & Planning Agencies Range of Providers & Coordination 6 Public Transit Fixed Rte Medical Transit Provider Private Taxi Community & ADA Paratransit Faith Based/ Volunteer Uber & ZipCar Agency on Aging Ride Sharing Van pools Education Labor HHSVeterans Non- Profit Cities & Counties FTA State & Regional Dialogue & Information Social Services Performance Measures Usage Data Unmet Needs Ride Available Bulletin Consumer Education Provider Dialogue Provider Ratings Blogs
Overview: Website and Smartphone Application 7 Provider Ratings Initial Database of Providers Provider Portal Volunteer and Peer- to-peer Ridesharing Performance Measurement Tools/Data Specialized Apps Accessible web features Customer Trip Search & Match Trip Brokering & Booking
Regional Participation North Texas Project Lead Database Service Coordination Website Management Facilitator Most public transportation providers at table Key regional planning at table Key populations and their representatives at table Key political decision makers interested but need a role and need to be sold on it in some cases 8 Dallas Trip Navigation Customer & Caregiver Education MyRideNCT Promotion MyRideNCT Site Upkeep Tarrant Trip Navigation Customer & Caregiver Education MyRideNCT Promotion MyRideNCT Site Upkeep
9 Dallas County Veterans Affairs MY RIDE DALLAS/ D3A DCTA Work- force Dallas Star Transit TAPS Judge Whitley’s Office VAMC Arlington Handitran GRAND CONNECTION NCTCOG TXDOT Austin DFW Catholic Charities SPAN
10 MyRide Tarrant/ MHMR The T ESPA NCT NFB CCGD Former Director of ESPA
Home Screen: Trip Request 11
Request by Departure or Arrival Time 12
Identify Accessibility Requirements 13
Trip Planner 14
Visual Trip Plan 15
Ability to Change Profile 16
Promotional Videos 17
How to Use Videos on Website 18
Initial Customer Mobile App 19
Provider Portal 20
Pending Provider Acceptance 21
Contact Information Marion Denney or Travel Navigators in Dallas County: Travel Navigators in Tarrant County: