Cardiff and the Vale Healthcare Community Programme for Health Services Improvement Clinical Services Redesign Workshop 8 th Sep 06
Service re-design is a ongoing process, not a one-off event Quality Clinical outcomes Patients’ perspective Responsive and accessible services Efficiency and resource utilisation Affordability and value-for-money Limited physical resources & 1º care capacity HR and clinical staffing Performance management Performance targets and benchmarking Access targets (Project 2009 / 4-hr trolley wait) Why health communities need to re-design services
Set up a model which Reflects existing (in base form) Projects forward (demography, Project 2009 etc) Allows changes to model of care (MoC) Service (AA, IC etc) Clinical groupings and philosophy Location ( sites, departments etc) Stage 1 involves Set up user interface First-cut data analysis Preliminary conclusions Objectives of study
Model (1)
Model (2)
Set up a model which enables us to Project increased demand Rebalance between hospital and non-hospital settings Anticipate “working smarter” More efficiently Better focus on goals and targets Better focus on outcomes Working smarter applies to both hospital and non-hospital services Model
Hospital Care Pathway
Set up a model which enables us to analyse activity by Commissioner Hospital Age band (children 75) Type of admission and discharge Time spent in hospital (IP vs. DC and LoS bands) Type of clinical activity (various) Analysis : Hospital activity
Analyse clinical activity by Broad category (adult acute, paediatric, maternity, mental health Medical / Surgical Specialty HRG chapter (the “ology”) HRG sub-chapter (stroke, AMI etc) HRG (detailed condition) Other groupings (e.g. cancer) Underlying condition (e.g. diabetes) Other coding systems (ICD, OPCS) Analysis : Type of Clinical Activity
Inpatient vs. Day case vs. Day hospital Length of stay band 0-1 days 2-3 days 4-7 days 8-14 days 14+ days Longer lengths of stay >14 days >21 days >28 days >42 days Analysis : Time spent in hospital
Analysis : Hospital activity Go to detailed analysis by LoS Go to detailed analysis by HRG Go to detailed analysis for longer LoS
Activity : Preliminary Analysis
Activity : Profile and Changes
Model : User interface Remodel activity to reflect Admissions avoidance Acute sector efficiency Better models for recovery and rehabilitation By taking activity in any category and moving all or part to another Change location Change style or model of care Change time spent Measure volume and performance changes / improvements Against current Against benchmarks Against planned targets
Model : User interface
The tip of the iceberg ? How many people are being cared for outside hospital? What are the resource implications now and in the future?
The tip of the iceberg ? What do we know about them? How can we assess their needs now and in the future?