1 |1 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 Dissemination meeting Pristina, Kosovo December 2012 Dissemination meeting Pristina, Kosovo December 2012 Supported by: Flash Flood Risk Assessment over Kosovo Other examples of application Conclusion and recommendations Steeve Ebener Consultant Steeve Ebener Consultant
2 |2 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 Supporting the response - Chemical truck accident Risks: Acute ammonia exposure can cause skin irritation; burn the eyes, resulting in temporary or permanent blindness; and cause headaches, nausea and vomiting. High levels can cause fluid in the respiratory system, which can cause death. Chronic exposure damages the lungs. Ammonia (gas): A colorless gas with a strong odor. Mitrovica Long: Lat:
3 |3 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 Mitrovica regional police traffic unit Mitrovica police station Mitrovica north fire station Mitrovica north city hospital What can you already do with the data collected during the pilot project? Identify the location of the first line of response Mitrovica regional hospital Supporting the response - Chemical truck accident
4 |4 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 What can you already do with the data collected during the pilot project? Help organize the response - Block the traffic -Inform hospitals of the potential influx of patients -…-… Supporting the response - Chemical truck accident
5 |5 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 What can you already do with the data collected during the pilot project? Predict the extension of the plume Working with other institutions: Estimate the population living in this area Identify key infrastructures that could be affected 1 hours 2 hours Supporting the response - Chemical truck accident
6 |6 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 GIS (shelters, food supply,… What could be done if more data was integrated?: Base for establishing an Emergency Management Information System (EMIS) Statistics (nbr of hospital beds, doctors,… Knowledge (expertise, documents) GIS Statistics Knowledge Supporting the response - Chemical truck accident
7 |7 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 Improving the performance of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Save time! Save lives!
8 |8 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 Improving the performance of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) The location of past events… Can be used to predict where the next ones might occur
9 |9 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 Improving the performance of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) The system can then calculate… Where to pre-position existing ambulances to obtain the best coverage possible
10 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 Improving the performance of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) And when a call is placed… Find out quickly which vehicle is the closest as well as guide it to the place of the event.
11 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 The country has access to a large amount of geographic information; This information is often being generated in silos by different institutions and without agreed upon standards; Existing information assets and technical capacities could be used to improve the quality of the existing data; Data sharing issues remains; Conclusions of the pilot project The country would benefit from the strengthening of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI);
12 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 Geography is not systematically collected nor integrated into the different information system in the country to support emergency management; Conclusions of the pilot project Absence of complete and up-to-date registry as well as mechanism to keep them up-to-date; Location of health facilities, police and fire stations collected for the first time in the context of the pilot project; Past flood events not systematically captured in a way that the information could be used to predict future flood events.
13 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 The implementation of the VRAM in Kosovo has therefore not only reached it’s initial objectives but contributed to address some of the above by: Conclusions of the pilot project Providing some guidelines to improve data compatibility in the country; Generating a first set of registries; Strengthening the technical capacity of both EMA and the MOH when it comes to geographic information and GIS; Providing a base to establish a risk assessment capacity in the country. A starting point to build from
14 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 Recommendations Consider the action plan which has been presented to them as one of the components for establishing an Emergency Management Information System (EMIS) for the country; Get a group of expert to analyze the result of the present flood risk assessment; Use this pilot project as the base for developing a risk assessment capacity in the country and look at earthquakes as the next hazard to cover; Promote emergency management as a driver for the strengthening of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) in the country; Look at developing an flood event registry that would contain the mapping of the extent of flooded areas to facilitate the production of flood hazard maps For the Emergency Management Agency to:
15 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 Take advantage of the current development of the HIS to strengthen the integration of the geographic and time dimension into it by: Developing official registries (starting with health facilities); Deciding on official coding schemes; Putting updating mechanism in place for these registries; Making these registries publicly available; Enforcing the use these registries and coding scheme; Precisely locating all the facilities in the country Take advantage of the technical support provided by WHO in the context of the implementation of the VRAM to establish a real GIS technical capacity at the Ministry of Health. For the Ministry of Health to: Recommendations
16 | Përkrahur nga: Vlerësimi i rrezikut nga vërshimet e menjëhershme (të çastit) për Kosovë Pristinë, Kosovë, Dhjetor 2012 Independent Commission for Mines and Minerals Thank you ! Kosovo Agency of Statistics Kosovo Cadastral Agency Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning Ministry of Internal Affairs Ministry of Health Ministry of Infrastructure National Institute of Public Health American University of Kosovo