Mrs. Lois Flieg 6 th /8 th Grade Communication Arts Ste. Genevieve Middle School
Resume All About Me My Webpage My Classes Academic Team Powerpoint Games MYLINKSMYLINKS MYLINKSMYLINKS
My Resume Educational Background High School Diploma-I received my high school diploma in May of 1975 from Ste. Genevieve High School. Associate of Arts Degree-I received my Associates of Arts Degree from Mineral Area College in December of Bachelor of Science Degree-In August of 1978, I earned my Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education.August Masters Degree-I obtained my Masters Degree in Education from Southwest Missouri State University in August of Current Certification-I am currently certified in the following areas: (1) Lifetime certification K-8 and (2) Middle School Certification. back
All About Me Birthday-My birthday is on August 11. Spouse-My husband is Tom Flieg. He works at Mississippi Lime Company and is also a part-time farmer. Children-I have three wonderful children: Ryan Joseph, Nicholas James, and Sara Jean. Ryan was born on April 30, Nick and Sara were born on September 24, 1988 back
My Webpage This link takes you to my web page which explains class rules and expectations. It also has my schedule and contact information. My Webpage back
Powerpoint Games Match ItTic Tac Know back
Academic Team I sponsor the middle school academic team. Students in the 7 th and 8 th grade are eligible to try out. Tryouts are usually in mid-December. Academic Team back
My Classes 6th Grade Language Arts Class consists of the following major areas of study: * 1. LANGUAGE-Each student is issued a Language textbook 2. SPELLING-Spelling workbooks are NOT used. 3. LITERATURE-I have a class set of Literature books (The Language of Literature, 4. LIBRARY ORIENTATION-Scheduled for early September. 5. WRITING-My favorite!!! The students do many types of writing. 8th Grade Language Arts Class consists of the following major areas of study 1. LANGUAGE-I have a class set of grammar textbooks (The Language Network-- McDougal/Littell, 2002). 2. SPELLING-Everyday Spelling will be used regularly in the classroom. 3. LITERATURE-Students are introduced to a wide variety of literature. *Specific Goals/Objectives are listed in the Curriculum Guide back