Our district’s goal for all students Move to college or a skilled job upon graduation
New Ohio law creates options for students to earn a diploma
Ohio provides the most flexibility for you to succeed and graduate.
Requirements for all students Complete 20 course credits Take seven required state tests Earn diploma through one of three options
Our District’s Course Requirements Units Required English Language Arts - English I, II, III, IV4 Units Mathematics - Alg. I, Geometry, Alg. II, and (Precalc, Stats, or Alg. III) 4 Units Science - Physical Sci, Biology, and Chemistry3 Units Social Studies - World His., American His., Government 3 Units Health.5 Units Physical Education (or PE Waiver).5 Units Computer.5 Units Fine Arts (.5 in High School and.5 in Middle School).5 Units Complete 20 course credits
1.English I 2.English II 3.Algebra I or Int. Math I 4.Geometry or Int. Math II 5.Biology or Physical Science 6.American History 7.American Government Class of 2018: Take seven required state tests
1.English I 2.English II 3.Algebra I or Int. Math I 4.Geometry or Int. Math II 5.Biology 6.American History 7.American Government Class of 2019 and Beyond: Take seven required state tests
All students must take all seven tests
Each state test has two parts. Part One: Taken when you have finished two- thirds of the course This is taken in February or March
Each state test has two parts. Part Two: Taken at the end of the course This is taken in April/May
Tests are Combined for a Single Score Part 1 Part 2
18 points on state tests College readiness score on national test Industry certification and a work- readiness score on WorkKeys Three Graduation Options
Option: 18 points on state tests
Performance Level Graduation Points Advanced5 Accelerated4 Proficient3 Basic2 Limited1
Flexibility for Students High score on one test can balance a low score on another test
Earn at least four points in English tests Earn at least four points in math tests Earn at least six points in science and social tests
Class of 2018 and Beyond: Substitute Tests for Science, American History or American Government Advanced Placement International Baccalaureate College-level courses
College Credit Plus Enroll in college while in high school Earn credits for both
Option: College readiness score on a national admission test
College Readiness Score Test is free for juniors Use the score for college admission
Option: Earn industry certification and a work-readiness score on WorkKeys
Work Readiness and Industry Credential You leave high school with a skill Continue to build this skill
Thinking about graduation? Make an appointment with your counselor
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